Chapter 1

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I feel a hand cover my eyes "Guess who" he asks 

"my loyal, smart, and handsome boyfriend of four years," I say and turn around and kiss him

"And that I am, follow me" he grabs my hand and he leads me down a path of rose pedals and candles as we get closer I see all of our family and friends and when we get to the end he gets down on one knee

"luna may walters, I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you and I've known since ninth grade that I was gonna marry you, and you may be asking yourself why does that sound weird because we started dating in the middle of tenth grade well I've loved you since I sat next to you In Mr.wells room and I couldn't imagine my life without you luna so please do the honor of changing your last name and loving me until the end of time," he says 

"yes absolutely yes," I say and everyone cheers 

he picks me up and spins me around in a circle and kisses me

"I love you so much," I say

"I love you," he says 

afterward, we went out for dinner and we went back to my apartment and put on a movie, and cuddled 

"so we are going to get married," I say 

"We sure are," he says 

"I can't believe summer is almost over and we are about to be sophomores in college, we are going to get married and we both start our new jobs next week," I say 

"oh yes working at Sinclair's bakery," Mack says 

"well it's a job that we get to work at together so I'm all for it," I say 

"Very true baby," he says


On the first day of school, I have two classes today at 10 am and 2 pm so I wake up at 8 am and get in the shower and go make breakfast and head off to school before Mack even wakes up his classes are at 11, 1 and 3 today and then he works from 5 to 10 pm so I won't get to see him today but that's okay because I have my yearly pap smear at 4:30 and then my mom is taking me out to dinner and I have an early morning tomorrow when I get to class I pick a seat 3 or 4 rows back  

"welcome class my name is professor young, we will be spending the year together Monday and Wednesday, and Friday, pay attention, follow my 3 rules and we will be good. rule 1 is always showing up on time, rule two turn in all work on time, and rule number 3 is to dress to impress you are studying to become a doctor and nurse even some maybe lawyers and some other very professional settings, so no sweats and t-shirts, dress clothes only in my class" he says 

he looks at me "And what is your name" he asks 

"luna walters," I say 

"well ms walters thank you for coming to class looking professional, what are you studying to be," he asks 

"I want to be a midwife," I say 

"well this is the perfect class for that" he smiles at me and my heart jumps and my tummy flutters, what's going on with me I'm in love with Mack he is my soulmate we were even born on the same day the same time but something about this man makes me want to jump in bed with him and leave my life behind, I just got engaged a couple of weeks ago 

"Luna" professor y says 

"yes professor," I say 

"Well for one you all can call me Chad, and two Luna can you pass these out I want all of you to make a sign with your name, ill never remember all of your names but I would like to call on you all by your names," he says and smiles at me 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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