It Seems Tsukasa has Resolved to Change the World!

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In a chamber of some sort, Lyrule stands out of a bath and then dresses up in a medieval nightgown.

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At Elm Village.

Winona: Lyrule's been kidnapped?! 

Villager #1: Damn it!

Villager #2: That sex-crazed lord!

Elch: We don't have time to waste!

He then turns to the rest of the villagers.

Elch: Everyone, let's get to the castle and rescue Lyrule!

Everyone cheers in agreement with Elch.

Tsukasa: Wait a moment. Let's not do anything rash.

Everyone was stopped by what Tsukasa said.

Elch turns to him.

Elch: What did you say?!

Tsukasa: We're up against the lord of Findolf, aren't we? What you're proposing is tantamount to declaring war on a country.

The villagers struggle with the decision.

Tsukasa: Even if you succeed in rescuing Lyrule, he'll just send his forces to crush you. When he does, he'll slaughter you all.

Elch: Th-Then what are you suggesting we do?!

Tsukasa: I'll go negotiate. At present, Lyrule is the only life that the lord values. We'll have to sacrifice her to get him to drop the charge of treason. I promise I can successfully negotiate that for you. You have my guarantee.

Everyone then brings negative energy toward Tsukasa.

Elch: You damn bastard!

He then approaches Tsukasa.

Elch: How can you seriously suggest something so messed up?!

Tsukasa: Do you think I could joke about something this messed-up?!

Elch stopped by Tsukasa's words.

Tsukasa: In this case, that's the best way to settle things smoothly. More importantly, it's probably what Lyrule herself would wish.

Elch: That's...

Winona: You're probably right about Lyrule wanting that,

Tsukasa and Elch both look toward Winona.

Elch: Mom!

Winona: However, Tsukasa, even if sacrificing her brings peace back to our village,

She approaches Tsukasa.

Winona: we'll no longer be ourselves. We'll just be animals doing whatever it takes to survive, just like the nobles say.

Tsukasa: Don't you think your survival comes first and foremost?

Winona: We don't. No matter how disadvantageous it is to us, helping and supporting each other is what makes us human. So we're going, in order to retain our humanity.

As Tsukasa continues to stare at Winona in her eyes. Takeru noticed Tsukasa's fist having blood.

Winona placed her hand on Tsukasa's bloody one.

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