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It's already Monday, Khairy have the activity in his university but he going back after lunch and arrived at home at 2 pm. He asked Uti whether Nadia had send sms where to pick up Uti this evening, so Uti told Khairy that Nadia shall wait at Giant Kota Damansara at 6 pm today because they need to reach the jetty before 8 pm.khairy saw Uti already pack her hiking bag with few clothes maybe for her to wear on the ship plus her woman's necessity tools. They move out from the house at 5.30 pm because it's only a few minutes from the house, when they reached there Nadia and another girl had already there waiting for Uti. Nadia introduce another girl to us, she is an Ibanese girl from Sarawak which friends with Nadia, the girl is a bit chubby but a little taller than Uti with big hip, all of them are wearing jeans while Uti wearing her hiking pants and her hiking boots, seems like her another camouflage to hide her true intention. One last time before departure Khairy kiss and hug Uti in front of another girl and reminded Nadia to take care of her and Khairy said that he want to pick up Uti on Wednesday's night at the jetty, so Nadia need to share the location of it. Khairy also reminded Uti to call her as much as she can in order to avoid him being worried over her safety and to call her on the approximate time she would reach the jetty from the ship. Both car left to their destination and tonight Khairy will sleep at his friend house in Sentul to avoid boredom.

At 7.30 pm Uti had made a phone call with Khairy

Uti: Hi sayang

Khairy: hi, macamana dah sampai jetty ke

Uti: dah, baru ni, baru lepas unload barang kat tepi jetty tu

Khairy: kat mana jetty tu?

Uti: dia macam yatch club kat Pulau Indah, banyak kapal mewah kat sini

Khairy: bot dah sampai ke

Uti: dah ada dah, diorang tengah isi minyak

Khairy: sembang apa dalam kereta tadi?

Uti: tak banyak, Cuma Nadia ada cakap nama awek Iban tu Sarah, dia boleh anal so tu sebab dia ada, I ngan Nadia mana boleh

Khairy: ingatkan Nadia boleh anal

Uti: sakit la bang, eh ok la bang, orang bot tu dah panggil nak pergi ni, wish me luck

Khairy: ok sayang good luck and love u

Uti: love you too

Khairy pack his cloth to sleep at his friend house tonight and tomorrow he will go sleep to his friend house in Seri Andalas to get nearer to the jetty that shall drop off the girls on Wednesday night. On 8.45 pm, Khairy received another call from Uti

Uti: Hi sayang

Khairy: kat mana tu

Uti: dah ada dalam cabin kapal ni bang, diorang bagi kitaorang bilik sorang satu sebelah menyebelah

Khairy: ada apa-apa yang pelik tak

Uti: takde la bang, tadi kitaorang naik je kapal ni, diorang pakat tepuk tangan ramai-ramai, lepas tu nampaknya memang Nadia macam kenal dengan certain crew kat sini

Khairy: lepas ni buat apa?

Uti: diorang kata ada majlis untuk kitaorang, nampak makanan terhidang tadi

Khairy: bukan gangbang ke

Uti: tak lah, diorang polite la bang, pastu semua dalam kapal ni bersih, tapi kebanyakan diorang rambut perang

Khairy: dapat mat salleh la u

Uti: ala bang kan sama gak, sebelum ni kan dah pernah

Khairy: bilik camne, ok tak

Uti: bilik macam hotel bang, tapi katil single bed la, pastu ada meja, sofa single, almari, internet pun ada, pastu kalau kontek orang kat luar bilik ada phone intercom ni, pastu nampak laut ni dari tingkap

Khairy: lega dengar, risau gak ni

Uti: jangan la risau so far ok, ok lah bang nak mandi ni, diorang ajak makan tadi

Khairy: ok, bye

Uti: bye, I'll call you sebelum tidur ye

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