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As usual Khairy will look at the clock on the wall, the same like yesterday it shows 10 am, so he knew that Uti had start being fucked by the ship crew, so Khairy fill in his boredom with watching movie from his friend DVD collection, among his collection is a few porn DVD since he lives alone in the house. Among his porn DVD there one called American Bukkake, Khairy play it on the TV and it depict a woman being ejaculate on a chair by countless of men and their semen are all over her body and face, so Khairy's imagine that Uti situation would be what inside the video and she will capitulate among those men, but the video depict 60 men and the ship crew is just 20, so maybe the highest would be 20 men ejaculated to Uti. During lunch time, Khairy purposely don't sms Uti because this is the last day, so he will meet Uti back in a few hours, so that afternoon Khairy fall asleep but he had lock his alarm to 6 pm. At 6.30 pm Khairy received a message that she just finished her shower and packing to leave the ship and at 7.00 pm Uti send one more sms saying that they already on the boat and will be arrived in 30 minutes because the sea is not wavy. So Khairy straight away leave the house and told his friend that key had been hidden in one of his shoes. When Khairy reached the yacht club, there is no sign of them arrived at the Jetty, so he waits around 20 minutes and suddenly they appeared with a boat. All of them are just smiling to Khairy and without shy Khairy kiss Uti with French kiss in front of Nadia and Sarah. They all knew that Khairy and Uti have a relationship, so they doesn't care about it and propose we all have teh tarik before departure to our home. So Uti seconded that idea because she said these 2 days, the only drinks coffee and they miss some local food. So they move in a separate car and headed towards nearest mamak restaurant, while in the car Khairy don't ask anything to Uti and let Uti have her own moment. So when they arrived, they choose table outside the restaurant, so it would be easier for them to chat.

Nadia: untung la ada pakwe ambik, kitaorang ni sendiri la balik

Khairy: kan dah janji dua hari lepas, lagi pun ada hal sikit kat sini

Sarah: sayang u Khairy kat awek u ye

Khairy: sayang la, mana tak sayang pulak

Sarah: kitaorang pun sayang kat Uti sebab dia record breaker kali ini

Khairy: ye ke, you all berapa

Nadia: I larat 13 je

Sarah: I pulak 16 je

Khairy: dasyat u all semua

Sarah: cuba tanya awek u tu berapa yang dia larat

Uti: tu la Nadia la bagi ubat cecair tu, sampai lupa diri I (while showing the number sign from her fingers 2 and 3)

Khairy: hah, 23 banyak tu

Nadia: kan kitaorang dah cakap, record breaker, so dia pun dapat lebih sikit dari kitaorang

Uti: tapi u all bagi naya I tau, lemas jap tadi

Khairy: apa yang lemas

Sarah: ha ha ha ha, rahsia tau antara kitaorang

Nadia: ala rasanya Khairy dah tau sebabnya, diorang kan calling to each other waktu kat kapal

Khairy: benda apa, boleh I teka

Sarah: cuba teka

Khairy: bukkake kan

Uti: diorang la bang, I dah lah tak biasa ramai-ramai pancut kat muka, tapi diorang yang dorong saya

Sarah: ala marah ke Uti, kan I bagi pinjam reading glass I

Nadia: marah-marah sayang tu (while Uti smiling at all of them)

Khairy: berapa orang tadi yang tempak kat muka sayang I ni

Nadia: 15 tau, habis muka dia, badan dia, tetek jangan cakap la, penuh dengan sperma pekat

Sarah: pastukan captain kapal tu ambik lingerie yang penuh dengan sperma tu sebab dia nak keringkan buat souvenir frame kat kapal diorang

Khairy: sampai camtu sekali, tapi Nadia pernah kan kena

Nadia: pernah la Khairy, tapi I tak pakai spec macam Uti tadi, macam Uti ada kat badan sekali, I muka semua

Khairy: sayang u hisap tak kote waktu bukkake tadi

Uti: kena la bang, sebelum tu 15 kote saya hisap sebelum pancut, lepas pancut ada la beberapa tak semua

Sarah: tu tadi I pelik sebab Khairy cium Uti, dia tak tahu ke sperma bersarang kat mulut dia, 2 jam sebelum tu je

Khairy: kenapa bersarang kat mulut, kan kat muka pipi je

Uti: diorang la bang encourage I untuk jelir lidah waktu diorang pancut

Nadia; tapi kan Khairy ada dua benda yang lawak tadi bila I tengok Uti

Khairy: apa tu

Nadia: satu dia lupa tutup intercom waktu dia call I mintak hantarkan Listerine ke bilik dia, puas I ngan ship crews yang main ngan I tu dengar raungan Uti, pastu satu lagi semalam I terpaksa interrupt sebab sebenarnya ramai lagi yang nak main ngan Uti, tapi kena la cut the line sebab takut Uti pancit lak, so lebihan tu kena la I ngan Sarah yang hadap

Khairy: kenapa boleh ramai tu

Nadia: crew kapal kitaorang duduk tu la spread romours yang Uti ni fresh lagi, first time, tu pun captain tu yang bagitahu

Khairy: tapi at least you all selamat

Nadia: kan I cakap, I akan pulangkan in one piece

Sarah: nanti, kalau ada lagi bagi la Uti pergi, syok la dia ada

Khairy: tu depend kat dia la, I ni just tenaga sokongan je

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