Chapter 16 Life and Death

Start from the beginning

"This will be you in a few short months," she said. Motioning toward my own stomach. I touched my belly. Thinking about my own child. And when it was time to bring he or she into the world.

"Yes, and I hope it will be just as smooth as hers," I replied. Lena nodded and walked over to Mae. Handing her the newborn. Athena helped her pull her chemise down, so the infant could latch. Both Athena and Lena walked over to me.

"Come, let us go tell the new father. And leave them to rest," Athena said. I nodded in agreement, I began collecting all the bloody rags. But I did not notice the rag and water on the floor right by me. I tripped and fell hard onto the wooden floor. My belly hit the floor first. I rolled to my side, clutching my belly. Tears stinging my eyes.The pain coursing through my body.

"Freya," both Athena and Lena cried in unison. Both Aadan and Bash rushed into the room. Bash raced to me, touching my face and belly. Had I just wounded my child? Bash gently picked me up, with Lena following close behind us. I buried my face in his chest, feeling fear creep into my chest. He brought us back to our room, where he laid me down onto the bed. Lena came over and touched my stomach.

"Your child seems alright, but for precaution stay in bed for the next few days Freya. To allow the both of you to heal," Lena said. I nodded in agreement, too tired to argue. Bash sat next to me and took my hand.

"Your cries scared me mi amor," he said. I brought our intertwined hands up and planted a small kiss on it. He moved to lay next to me.

"We will be alright my love. Lena is right, we just need some rest," I whispered. He pulled me into his arms. And we both fell asleep quickly. Both exhausted from the birth of Mae's child. We had spent most of the night helping with both Aadan and Mae.

I woke up clutching my stomach. Pain is ripping my body. I felt something wet between my legs. I knew what it was, and immediately felt fear fill my stomach. Another pain hit my body, making me scream. Bash jumped up beside me, turning to take in the sight.

"Freya, what is it, what is happening," he cried. All I could do was scream, as another pain hit my body. Bash raced toward the door, throwing it open and calling for help.

"It is too soon, the baby," I sobbed. I felt more blood pool onto the bed sheets. Bash raced over to me, grabbing my hand.I could see the fear in his own eyes.

"It will be alright Freya, everything will be alright," he whispered. I could only shake my head. This was wrong, the baby was coming to soon. Lena rushed in, taking in the sight. Her face fell when she saw me convulsing on the bed.

"Bash, I think it is best if you leave the room now," Lena said. I held his hand even tighter. I could not do this without him. Bash looked helpless turning his gaze between his mother and I.

"No, please do not leave me," I sobbed. Bash shook his head at his mother. He would be staying with me. Lena walked over to the fire, building it up and filling the kettle up with water. She began ripping rags. My pains became more frequent. All I could do was sob, knowing that my child would not make it. Lena walked over and pushed the sheet aside and took in the blood. I could feel myself growing weaker. She pushed my legs apart.

"Alright Freya, you have to push now," Lena said. I shook my head. I fell back on the pillow, trying to catch my breath. I felt my chemise clinging my to my body. The blood making everything sticky. The stench of death hung in the air.

"I cannot push! Bash I am so sorry. I am so sorry about our baby," I whimpered. I saw tears in his eyes. He kissed our intertwined hands.

"It is alright mi amor, just push for me," he said. He stroked my hair as I began to push. It was only a few minutes before I felt a release and something squelching out onto the sheets. Lena wrapped the small bundle in the bloody sheets. She looked up to meet our gaze with tears in her eyes. This was her grandchild after all. A grandchild that would never see this world.

"It was a boy," she whispered. I felt my heart shatter. As I began to sob. Bash got up to sit beside me. Lena walked over and allowed me to hold my son. I could already make out black hair on his little head. His skin was almost transluent. Just like Bash. This made me sob harder.My precious little boy, he was taken from us too soon.

"We will baptize him, and give a christian burial. My grandson deserves that" Lena said sadly. Bash nodded and just held me as I held our son. I lost our son. Lena walked over to me.

"I must prepare him for the burial, Freya," she whispered softly. I shook my head, holding my son closer to me. I could not give him up, I could not let him be buried in the cold ground.

"Let me hold our son Freya... please," Bash whispered. His voice hoarse with tears. I handed our son to him. Who then handed him to Lena. She left the room with him. I rolled onto my side and began to sob. And then I began to wail. A loud sorrowful wail, my beautiful son was gone.

A few days later, we buried our son. The son we would never get to see grow up. We named him Sebastian after his father and grandfather before him. Lena held both Bash and I as we said our final goodbyes as they lowered his small coffin into the ground. We buried him in the small cemetery located by the abandoned church on a top of bluff that overlooked the cove. The church that was established when the Spanish came. It overlooked the sea and the horizon. I felt a piece of my heart buried with my son that day. That cemetery was the place I would spend the next month.

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