Chapter 16 Life and Death

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We were woken up in the middle of the night by Mae's blood curdling screams. I bolted upright, Bash following suit. We both got up getting dressed and raced to her room with Aadan. I pushed the door open and saw Aadan holding his wife, who in turn was holding her belly. Her was pinched with pain.

"The baby, it's coming," she cried. Both Aadan and Bash looked absolutely terrified. I turned toward Bash. Knowing what we had to do. I had seen both mama and Aunt Delphine help women birth children.

"Go get Athena and your mother. Then grab as many rags, and a basin of hot water," I said. I walked over to Aadan and touched his shoulder.

"Go help Bash Aadan, I will stay with Mae," I said. Aadan planted a small kiss on Mae's forehead and left the room after Bash. I sat by Mae and took her hand.

"Breath Mae, you have to breathe," I said softly. Through the pains, she did her best to breathe. The pains were becoming more frequent, and I knew it was not long before she would have to push. Lena and Athena rushed up, both still in their night clothes. Bash came in with the basin and rags, setting it on the vanity. Athena ushered Bash out of the room. I got up, allowing Athena to take my place. Lena took her place in front of Mae, pulling away the blankets and pushing up her chemise. Pushing her legs as far apart as they could. I walked over to the vanity and grabbed some rags. Placing them in the basin. I walked over and handed the damp cloth to Athena. Who dabbed at her daughter's sweat covered brow. We spent the next few hours like this. Soon the water in the basin was gone. I took it and brought it outside. Both Bash and Aadan were pacing in the hallway.

"How is she? Will she and the baby make it," Aadan asked. I handed the basin to Bash. Wiping my hands on my own chemise.

"She is strong, so is your child. I know come morning you have your child in your arms. Bash, I need more hot water," I said. Bash nodded and reached out to touch my face.

"How are you doing, Freya," he asked. I was really not thinking about myself. I cared about Mae who was bringing her child into this world. And helping as best as I could.

"I am fine Bash, but I need more hot water," I replied. He gave me a raised eyebrow. Before looking down at my own growing belly.

"I do not want you to exert yourself, not in your condition," he said. I reached out to touch his face. I felt touched that he was concerned.

"We will be alright, Mae would do the same for me. Now go get that water," I commanded. He sighed and walked downstairs. He returned a few minutes later and handed me the basin. I made my way back into the room. Grabbing another rag, I dipped it into the water before walking over to Athena.

"The baby is almost here Mae, it is time for you to push," Lena said. Mae shook her head, as another pain took over body. Causing her to scream. I went over and grabbed her other hand. Mae reluctantly began pushing. She was pushing for about an hour before Lena nodded her head.

"That is it Mae, I can see the head, just one more push." Lena said. Athena stroked Mae's tangled hair. She was shaking from pain and exhaustion.

"I cannot do this anymore, I am too tired," Mae cried. I squeezed her hand gently for reassurance and Athena gave her daughter in law a small kiss.

"Yes you can darling, let's meet this beautiful soul," she replied gently. Mae screamed one last time and Lena pulled the baby out. The baby let out a small wail as Lena clipped the cord. I grabbed the sheet from the ground as Lena handed me the baby.

"You have a beautiful baby boy Mae," I said. Mae looked over and gave a tired smile. I walked over to the basin and cleaned the baby. The baby boy had a full head of curls, and bright blue eyes. I wrapped the baby in a clean blanket. Lena came over and cleaned her hands. I gave her the baby boy. She planted a small kiss on his forehead.

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