Chapter Fifty-Four: Beheaded

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Melanie avoided the balls of daemon fire that were sent her way by reducing herself to size. Lucian took her place by expanding to a full two hundred feet though still in his winged form. The fire balls erupted across his body exploding in fiery hurricanes that broke and burned his scales. His roars of anger and pain echoed across the kingdom.
'My love!' Melanie shouted at him worriedly.
'I am fine. Get ready.' He replied.
Before she could ask what for, his wings unfurled from around her and unleashed a hurricane of winds that blew everything within a quarter mile radius away from the walls.

The elves were tossed away by the wind like twigs caught in a storm. The two Daemons were thrown backwards but maintained their footing. As he pulled his wings back, pure electricity charged through his body. Purple and white lightning crackled across his obsidian black body. The charged lightning coursed across his wings, chest and arms until it was a solid stream of pure power. By the time the winds had died down and the elves regained their senses, Lucian flapped his wings unleashing a static charged hurricane gale wall of wind.

The lightning infused wall of wind gained force and power as it continued forward. As the hurricane passed through the enemy, their bodies were stunned by the lightning. Their muscles knotted and seized. Their brains, surged with electricity and fractured like glass. Even the two Daemons were powerless to break the paralyzing lightning.

"Freeze them all." Lucian snarled and Melanie took off into the sky.


Kelly lunged forward, her viper head catching Bedelia by the leg. The Daemon queen had the strength equal to that of a dragon, allowing her to hold her own against Kelly. Despite the pain of her magmatic skin burning her gums, Kelly held on and tore at Bedelia. Maalceus rushed forward, broad sword leading the way into an overhead diagonal slice. Bedelia outstretched her hands and in a rush a flames and light, a pair of short swords appeared.

Both were three feet long and identical. The hilts resembled bones while the guards looked like dragon skulls. The straight, double edged blades were jagged and serrated. Made for hacking and slashing, meant for deep bloody cuts in order to tear flesh. Bedelia parried the sword with one hand and launched the second sword at Kelly. The serrated blade sank into Kelly's shoulder before passing through without causing horrific damage.

Kelly shrieked in pain and released her hold on Bedelia who rolled away. Maalceus, sensing his wife's pain, using the momentum from the parried strike and carried it into a horizontal one. Bedelia stepped out of range with ease.

"You are a fool!" She laughed. "The lady of the land gave me my power!"

"Lies!" Maalceus roared. "All lies!"

"When your father sent me away. Imprisoned me in that hell. The lady came to me. She granted me the realm of daemons."

"Enough! I care not about your lies you filthy bitch!" Maalceus shouted and launched into a series of short jabs, followed by an upward slash. Bedelia parried the jabs and blocked the slash.
With their weapons locked, Kelly rushed in. Her viper mouth extended like a spring loaded trap. Six long curved fangs unfolded and plunged into Bedelia's abdomen. The pain of the magmatic blood and fire caused Kelly and extreme amount of pain. Throwing away her pain and worry, she clamped down, injecting every drop of acidic venom that she could muster and flooding the daemon queen with it.

Bedelia screamed more out of rage than in pain.

"Fine!" She shouted. "I tried to make you see reason. No longer!" She shouted, the fire burning around her intensifying with her rage. Bedelia shifted her twin swords and slapped Maalceus' broad blade away before slapping him upside the head with the flat of her sword. The sheer force of the strike sent him reeling to the ground in a tumbling roll.

"As for you." Bedelia snarled and brought both swords together. As the two short swords slid over one another, the metal heated and transformed. Both weapons erupted into flames before changing into a long sword. The five foot long sword was a larger version of the smaller ones. Kelly tried to pull her fangs out but found that the daemon queen's blood had resolidified forcing her fangs to stay in place. Kelly twisted and struggled to move but Bedelia had the stance and position.

"Time to die." Bedelia screamed and swung her sword up and around. The blade violently tore through Kelly's long neck. Flecks of blue and orange blood splattered across the rubble. Bedelia took exquisite pleasure in sawing through the last few inches of Kelly's neck before it went slack. Maalceus felt the agonizing pains Kelly endured before it went still and cold.
"Kelly!" He screamed.

The Dragon King's Servant: Rise of the Daemon KingWhere stories live. Discover now