The Ghost Girl and The Radio Demon

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Daphney: "No, Charlie! It is bad! I understand, now even, why. It's because the extermination, they are killing your people even your kingdom is becoming worse because of them! If, I was following your footsteps, I will feel really sorry for you and your people too" She said to her in sadness even I was crying too.

Charlie was shocked, what Daphney said to her even she didn't expect her to care for Demons.

Then we heard a knock on the door, this cause
Charlie to panic even looking at me too.

Charlie: "Daphney! I need you to stay with Vaggie even do not leave her side too. Do you understand?" Charlie said to her as she nodded.

Daphney want behind a corner to see, what's going on even who can that be too. When Charlie open the door, there was a Deer Demon at the doorway.

 When Charlie open the door, there was a Deer Demon at the doorway

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Charlie: "Say what, now?" She said in confused of him.

Alastor: "Help! Hello, is this thing on? Testing, testing!" Alastor said as he was tapping his cane.

The Microphone Scepter "I heard you loud and clear!" It said to him.

She was curious of him until he saw me, I was prepared to run but I realised, he used his magic to bring me towards him.

Alastor: "Well, well, well! I didn't expect the Human Girl with Ghost Powers to be here in Hell. What's your name, my dear?" He asked me as I shake in fear.

Daphney: "M-my name is Daphney Fenton. But in Ghost Form it's Daphney Phantom," She said to him as he still smiles at her.

Daphney was even more nervous when she touched his hands.

Alastor: "Well, that is a beautiful name! My name is Alastor, my dear," He said as he grabs my hand and kiss behind her hand too.

This caused her to blush until Charlie interferes him.

Charlie: "Um, you want to help with?" She asked him as teleports or popped up behind Charlie and Vaggie.

Alastor: "Why help with this ridiculous thins, you're trying to do! This hotel! I want to help you run it," He said to Charlie as I wonder, why is everyone scared of him.

Charlie: "But, why?" Charlie asked him, this made him chuckle at her.

Alastor: "Why does anyone do anything my dear? Sheer absolute boredom! I've lacked inspiration for decades. Lacked focus. Aimless!" Alastor said to us as he put his elbow on Vaggie's head, she was still glaring at him.

Daphney felt a bit uneasy.

Alastor: "I've come to crave a new from of entertainment! Haha!"

Charlie: "Does getting into a fist fight with a reporter count as entertainment?" Charlie asked him in nervous as Vaggie comes next to her.

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