Chapter 2 : Confused Tony

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"Ned, just remember to give me that book afterwards" said Peter, talking to a friend on the phone.

"Yeah! I always give back"

"Do you remember the last things I lent you?"

"...uh. I have to go!" Ned replied quickly, hanging up.

The brunette chuckled softly, shaking his head. He liked Ned, but something disappeared every time he lent it to him. It wasn't even intentional. When he went to him to do homework together. He left one of his notebooks for a moment, and when he turned around, suddenly it's gone! He had to apologize later for not doing his homework.

"Ma'am, I lost my notebook at Ned's house," he recalled his words, snorting with laughter.

He entered Stark Tower, putting his phone back in his pocket. Mrs. Potts greeted him at the entrance.

"Good morning Mrs. Potts!" he greeted with a smile which she immediately returned.

"Good morning Peter. How's school?"

"Quite well. Although today was basically just boredom" he admitted, walking with her toward the elevator.

As soon as they passed through the passageway with the scanner, they could hear the unmistakable voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Good morning Mrs. Potts. Welcome back"

"Good morning Peter. Welcome back. Should I notify Mr. Stark and Mrs. Parker of your presence?" she asked as Peter and Pepper entered the elevator.

"Thank you Fri, but no need!" Petter replied as the elevator started up.

As soon as she stopped at the office level, Pepper said goodbye to Peter, stroking his hair gently. She stepped out of the elevator, which immediately went up to the Penthouse level.

Involuntarily, Peter began to softly hum the song he had heard recently. There was often one left in his head.

"Why can't you get? Can't you get it? Understand" he hummed to himself as he waited for the elevator to reach the correct floor.

After only a few minutes, the elevator stopped at the Penthouse. Peter smiled as he stepped out of it.

"I'm back!" he called, but there was no answer.

He frowned as he felt something was wrong. However, his spider-sense didn't kick in. So something was wrong, but he wasn't in danger...? After fighting aliens, he expected anything.

Peter pursed his lips into a straight line, starting to slowly and silently move forward. He was ready to use the network cables if something was really wrong.
He leaned around the corner, ready to attack. But what he saw completely caught him off guard.

Mr. Stark was standing where the couch should have been. And it should be noted that couch was inverted. Next to it hung something like a net full of people in... Spider costumes? He looked up in surprise when he saw another person. Black costume with a red spider logo.

"Miles?" he asked in surprise, squinting to recognize his friend. However, his senses assured him that all four were just like him. Evidently their sense was on as well, because they all looked in his direction.

"Peter!" he cried, jumping down from the ceiling. He immediately ran to his friend, hugging him tightly.

"Peter, do you know them?" Tony spoke as his mask opened to reveal his face.

"Uh... Kind of?" he mumbled, returning the hug "But what are you doing here?"

"What Am I doing? I'm visiting you!" He chuckled, finally breaking the hug.

A trip to New York  -- Avengers x Spider verse ffWhere stories live. Discover now