Chapter 1 : Spider homies

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"¡Miles, recuerda empacar tu crudo interior!"
( Miles, remember to pack your inner raw! )

The boy with dark brown hair sighed heavily, feeling a blush of embarrassment.

"Mom!" he exclaimed, hearing a soft laugh from the blonde woman using the door.

"Well, now! I don't want you to call me in a panic afterwards" she laughed, kissing her son on the cheek "You're going out of town for the first time, alone."

"Everything will be fine, mamá. After all, I'm not going alone! They will be my friends" he replied, hugging the woman with a smile.

"He'll be in good hands" Gwen said, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Of course... But be careful. And don't you dare get in trouble!" she waved a warning finger.

"Yeah, yeah. Te quiero, mamá ( I love you, mom )" Miles said before he and Gwen left the house.

"Mommy's son..."

"Did you say something?"

"No no. Nothing like that," she snorted with laughter as she flew over the city street with him.

He rolled his eyes as he followed her. Since returning to his dimension, the relationship between them, has gradually calmed down. Miles' crush also began to fade. Until they ended up being close friends. They admitted that something between them didn't work out. And there's no problem with that.

In fact, the longer they started looking at each other as friends, the more they thought a relationship wouldn't work out for them. Everything couples were supposed to do, they did as two best friends.

"Race to the bridge?" Miles suggested.

"You know you're gonna lose don't you?" she laughed, immediately shooting herself up ahead.

Spider-Man rolled his eyes in amusement, flying right behind his friend. They swung on their nets, dodging cars from time to time.

"Mommy look, Spider-Man!" a kid tugged at his mother's sleeve, pointing on spider heroes

Miles saluted his fingers to the little fan as he flew past. He loved these little gestures or interactions with the kids. He felt like a real hero then.

"I thought you were a spider, not a snail!" Gwen jumped over the traffic lights, veering off into the next street.

He chuckled as he followed her. They soon caught up as they neared the bridge. They made eye contact, nodding to each other with a smile beneath the mask.

"May the best spider win-" they said together, launching themselves towards the metal poles from the bridge.

"And that will be me!"

Before they could touch the metal, another spider flew past them. A blue cloth was tied around his waist, and the mask did not hide his hair.

"Come on! You cheated!" Miles called as he clung to the metal poles.

"I never cheat! It was just too easy for me," he replied, tossing his golden yo-yo in his hand.

Gwen rolled her eyes in amusement as she climbed to the top of the bridge. Their jostling amused her.

"And who won here?

Another voice spoke among the bridge posts. Miles and Pavitr looked in that direction, noticing the familiar denim vest. Spider Punk, also known as Hobi, came out from between the poles, nodding his head in greeting.

"Hobi, you're finally here! My bro!" Pavitr smiled as he high-fived the newcomer.

"Hey Hobi" Miles greeted, giving him a slight nod.

It didn't take long for a well-known light to shine above them.

"Are you going or is the portal supposed to be like this?" Gwen called, leaning over the edge of the bridge.

They looked at each other, then joined the white spider on the bridge. A portal had already opened in front of them.

"Surely it's a good idea for us to go alone? Lately such outings have ended badly" Pavitr noted, glancing at the others.

"I've wanted to visit it for a long time! Now's my chance" Miles replied, looking away from the portal "After that, I told my parents I was going on a school trip. So it's a bit silly to go back and say, there is no tour"

"Liaaaaar" Hobi laughed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his vest.

"What was I supposed to say? Bye mom, together with my spider homies, I'm flying to another dimension to visit my good friend with whom I once saved the other New York"

"...spider homies? Since when do you say that?" Gwen asked with a laugh.

"Uh... For a long time"

"Alright my spider homies. Let's go now or I'm getting bored," Spider Punk interrupted them, jokingly parodying Miles. He showed them a peace sign, leaning back and disappearing through the portal.

"How to disappear with class!" Pavitr followed him.

Only Miles and Gwen remained in front of the portal.

"So... This friend of yours. It's Peter right?"

"Yes... If you don't want to remember, you don't have to go!" Miles said, remembering her story.

"No, everything is alright! It's just... I'm a little nervous," she admitted as she took off her mask.

"Don't worry, Gwen. Peter is fine! I'm sure you'll like him" he smiled, taking off his mask as well.

"That's what I'm afraid of..."

Miles looked at her worriedly. He didn't want this little trip to make her feel bad. It was supposed to be a time of fun and relaxation for their pack!

"Hey... It's nothing to worry about" he smiled, lightly tapping her shoulder with his elbow "Unless you're scared."

"I? I'm afraid? You must be dreaming!" She huffed a laugh, looking at him confidently.

"Of course! Gwen Stacy is never afraid!" He threw his hand up, laughing.

"Of course, Morales," she stated, immediately jumping into the portal.

Spider-Man chuckled softly, putting his mask back on his head. He looked around, involuntarily memorizing the surroundings. Whenever he was involved in an action, he remembered every detail. As if it was the last thing he would see. Although now he's just going on a little trip to another dimension. Nothing dangerous.
If he survived angry Migueal, he can handle anything.

Finally, he took a step forward, leaning forward and falling into the portal. He loved that feeling. It's like flying in an unknown space. He smiled a little under the hood, seeing it fly along a well-marked path to an open portal. A simple and pleasant way.

Miles felt a stronger tug as the portal hurled him out into the outside world. He landed on his knees bent, lifting his head with a smile under his mask However, the spider was quite surprised when he met the eyes of his friends. But they were upside down... And in a hanging net?

"Spider homies, you said, didn't you?" Gwen muttered, narrowing her eyes a bit.

"Did I miss something, didn't I?" Miles asked, and the three of them glared at him.

The boy in the black suit felt his senses activate. He frowned, then peeked out from behind the hanging net. He was met with a red-gold mask with bluish glowing eyes.
He opened his eyes wide in surprise, immediately hiding behind the ball of friends.

"It's not Peter, is it?"

/// Slightly shorter chapter because I wanted to make such a small introduction.

I hope I somehow encouraged you to keep reading, haha!

See you in next chapter :D

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