that was scaring nanna to the core.


It's been a week already and it was already time for dance competition.... Bo has to leave today to the near by province for inter college dance championship. 

But bo was not so in the mood to even wakeup 

But still his heart scratched in within - yelling aloud to trust his gg. Coz not a single time since today zhan has missed his dance competition ever.

Either at the start or at the end but mostly zhan would stay struck with bo all day long untill his piggy kiss -  his victory trophy . 

So bo had a small belief that today too his gg would  stay for him.

and its THE DAY everything will change

his gg will talk to him 


accept his apologies and every misunderstanding will come to an end today.

that was the only hope pulled him forward.

With that only thought bo dragged himself below all dressed up .

And today seemed to be a bit different coz his lips crafted a small smile. Bo came running below biting his smile spilling lips to meet his gg and get greeted with his all time fav -  all the best - do well  my puppy - before going to his competition...

But his smile faded like everyday when he saw no one in the living room.

Bo was standing there like a statue ....  he was too stunned to reciprocate any emotions as of now...

But a voice broke him " bao

Now bo literally bit his lips to bleed coz his cries were peeping out now .....  and hell he cant show it to his nanna

but shit he couldn't anymore 

when he heard his nanna calling him again "baby bo ....."

thats it

Bo " nanna " bo ran to his nanna and hug her tightly burring his tear drenched eyes and redden face at the Crooke of his nanna nape 

inaudible soft cries decorated his nanna wet nappe in silence.

nanna to patted his back head gently and let him to spill out all his pain in tears 

A tearful silence tranced out. 

None were able to talk but bo broke in crying tone '" my zhan ge"  crushing himself more within his nana's safe grabs.

nanna just hugged our little bamboo shoot more dearly 

Nanna sighed and patted his back head gently and carecased him until bo became silent and was ready to face the reality .

'his Shinigami (Zhan❣ bo  FF) - MpregDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora