"Is this shirt the one I wore on the fishing boat the day before?" Keith asked.

"Yes" answered Roman.

"And I also know that this has nothing to do with you, this is the shirt that you took off before diving. And you didn't put it back on because you were wearing a cape that day," Roman said again. Which is exactly what Keith tells Roman to know. Because he realized his shirt was missing when he was packing his suitcase, and remembered that he should have left it on Roman's boat, Keith didn't think to go get the shirt back, but how? Because he thinks it's just a shirt and he didn't think something like that would happen either.

"What is this about? And how did my shirt get there?" Keith asked in a serious tone.

"My people found Anita's body. So they informed me. I went to look and found the shirt dropped. Since I remember it's your shirt. So I picked it up first. Now none of the guests are aware of this matter. But now in comparison I have to contact the police to see the body," Román said.

" Because?" Keith asked curiously, why would Roman have to do that?

"Keith, I'm sure someone like you would never do something so terrible to a woman, but having your shirt there you know what will happen. I think there's someone out there trying to hurt you. I don't want you to be a suspect, so that while I clarify this situation, first I want you to go to my safe house", Roman said in a tense tone, Keith remained silent for a while.

"I'm going to call dad," Keith replied, thinking that his stepfather would be able to help in his current situation.

"I'll be the one to call and discuss this with your dad. Because I have to take responsibility, I'm the one who brought you on board so something like that happened," Roman said again, Keith hesitated a bit.

"Trust me, as I believe that you did not do this," Roman assures Keith of his confidence. Keith looked at Roman in silence. Before letting out a small sigh of relief at his own situation, Roman even destroyed the evidence by removing his shirt. Before we let the cops check, it's easy to say that Keith killed the girl. Román was also complicit in helping to destroy the evidence for him.

"Okay, what do you want me to do? Tell me, oh and I also want to know the progress on this. I want to know who it was that gave me trouble," Keith said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Yes, I'll inform you of everything," replied Román.

"So what do I do now?" Keith asked.

"You must get on the speedboat from now on. My people will take you to a nearby port, they will take you to my safe house," replied Román.

"What about you?" Keith asked.

"I'll follow you as soon as possible," Roman said again. Keith let out a small sigh of relief. before nodding.

"Thanks for helping me," Keith said before Roman had his men load him into the speedboat. As for him, I wait for the cruise ship to dock.

"Boss, how can you be so confident? That guy didn't really kill Anita," Nathan asked after Keith had left.

"Do you think I made a decision with my personal feelings?" Roman asked in a low voice.

"Have you forgotten? How many cameras does this ship have?" Roman asked again. Nathan was silent for a moment.

"Then CCTV is evidence to help prevent that man from becoming a suspect. And why did the boss let him hide in the safe house?" Nathan asked again. Roman raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"I've heard the saying that turn a crisis into an opportunity?" Roman replied, leaving Nathan silent as he thought about his boss's words. As for Travis, who remained silent, I listen. I knew all along that roman did this in addition to showing that he helped keith. It's also a little more time to spend more time with Keith. But she didn't want to tell Nathan how. Allow yourself to think about it.

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