2. Cafe Strawberyl!

Start from the beginning



" You were scouted?!" Both Aqua and Miyako exclaimed with shock written all over their faces. Beryl kept hidden the smile he had behind his cup as he drank his morning tea away.

" Yeah, for one of those underground idol groups." Ruby grinned brightly, " I feel this has to be fate! To be honest, I've been keeping my eyes on underground idol recruitment for a while now. And it's about time they saw the talent in me!" She gushed all cheerily.

Miyako and Aqua sent pointed glances at each other as Ruby continued to preach about fate finally looking kindly on her. The both of them can't help but feel suspicious and worried for Ruby's lack thereof, but when they turned back to look at the girl-- 

" Mom also became an idol after being scouted right?" Ruby sways her body left and right, her eyes closed in bliss. " Hehe~ This means I'm being guided by her elegance, don't you guys think?"

" Is it really a legit idol group?" Miyako asked.

" Not some sketchy job?" Aqua adds to the questioning.

Both of their tones were incredibly doubtful about all this. Beryl said nothing, silently sipping his tea as he waits for this wonderful situation to conclude. It's not something he orchestrated behind the scenes, it was a natural and inevitable occurrence that was bound to happen to girls like Ruby who clearly possess potential in the field. It was a variable in the equation that Aqua chose to ignore in the pursuit of shutting down Ruby's attempt of joining a high-profile idol group, since at the time, that was her more likely acceptance had he not been there to intervene from the background.

" It's nothing like that." Ruby says as she places a knuckle against her hip before glancing at the audition card she'd been given by the recruiter with glee.

" Have you gone over the terms of contracts?" Miyako asked the second question.

Ruby nodded vigorously before answering, " The scout said I can come see their next concert. Then we'll get into the contract and stuff after that!" She was very much over the moon.

" Hmm...." Aqua and Miyako expressed the opposite.

"Aw, I can't wait." Ruby says, her eyes ready to burst in stars.

" Good for you." Beryl finally comments. He places his now-empty cup down and proceeds to stand up. " I hope this time it goes well for you."

Ruby stares at him silently.


Beryl reciprocates her stare, but with confusion as to why she was staring at him in the first place. It's like she's expecting something--

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