Chapter 8

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"Well well, didn't expect so many of you to come looking for your friends. It's touching, really." The killer turned to everyone. They were being held by his lackeys, guns to their heads. "I bet you're all wondering why I'm doing this. You see, this is nothing more than me fulfilling an oath. An oath I made to myself many years ago. Your 'host with the most', Chris McLean, was my brother." Everyone softy gasped at this revelation. "My name is Charles, Charles McLean. My brother & I were inseparable." For a moment, he looked wistful, like he was reliving old memories. "Then, he got a job as a producer. The fame & money quickly consumed him, & I was forgotten. Soon after, I was fired from my job. Broke & jobless, I went to him for help. But he acted like he didn't know me. On that day, I made an oath to destroy his success, come what may. I stole some money from a rich mafia boss. I was caught, but he was impressed with me, so I was hired. After many years, I had the resources to execute my grand plan: destroy Total Drama once & for all. As you can see, it has come into fruition today." He smiled. 


Leshawna & Justin had been standing guard outside the tent for a while. No one had returned yet. Leshawna was starting to get worried. Had they been caught? Did they manage to complete the mission & rescue the captives? Were they able to contact the police? Suddenly, they heard a loud gunshot from inside the tent. In a matter of seconds, Justin had run away. The gunshot was followed by two voices screaming. Her blood froze in her veins. It was Harold & Heather! Leshawna tiptoed to the back of the tent. The killer or one of his minions must've heard Justin's footsteps, because there was another loud gunshot. The outline of Justin fell to the ground. He wasn't moving. Just then, she heard some rustling from the bushes & saw Justin's killer approach them.


Courtney & Duncan were peering through the bushes. They could make out the vague outlines of Leshawna & Justin standing outside the tent. They heard a faint gunshot, followed by screaming & saw Justin start running & Leshawna slowly tiptoe to the back of the tent. There was another louder gunshot, & they saw Justin fall. Then they saw the killer slowly approach the bushes where they were hiding. Their eyes widened in horror. "Guys, there's a killer coming towards us. We've got to run." They said to Cody & Alejandro. "Alejandro, can you walk?" asked Duncan in concern. Alejandro smiled & said, "Don't worry bromigo, I think I can manage." "Cody, what about you?" asked Courtney. Cody shook his head. "I don't think I can." Courtney turned to Duncan & said, "You'll have to carry Cody on your shoulders. It's the only way we'll get away." He sighed & said, "Fine, I'll carry string bean. He probably doesn't weigh anything." He picked Cody up & rested him on his shoulders, piggyback style. They began running. Soon after, the bullets started flying. They dodged the bullets, trying to make it to the other side of the island. But one of the bullets eventually found its target. Courtney screamed & fell to the ground, blood flowing from a wound in her leg.


A million thoughts were running through Bridgette's head. Most of them were along the lines of, "I'm gonna freaking die!" Her breaths were shaky. She stole quick glances at everyone else. Gwen was nervously chewing her lip. Trent was muttering something under his breath, perhaps a final prayer. Heather's expression was a mix of anger, disbelief & fear. Geoff's eyes were squeezed shut, like he was just waiting for them to pull the trigger. Harold was nervously hyperventilating. Even Noah, who was usually quite stone-faced, had eyes wide with fear. "It's hopeless." she thought. "The police will never get here in time." But a small voice at the back of her brain said, "Are you just gonna stand there & let him kill you? C'mon, Bridgette, you're stronger than this!" As the killer, who had introduced himself as Charles McLean, was rambling about his past, she stealthily slipped her hand inside her pocket. She dug around, trying not to attract attention. In the meantime, Charles had finished his story & was looking at them with an evil smile on his face. She finally found what she was looking for: a small pocket lighter. She clicked it & a tiny flame appeared. She put the flame against the pant leg of the man holding a gun to her head. The fire spread across his pant leg, causing him to yelp in surprise & loosen his grip. This gave her enough time to free herself. Seeing their comrade on fire, the other men also let go of the others in surprise, allowing them to get away. 

They made a mad dash to the woods. While they were running, they saw Leshawna. "I'm so glad you guys are OK!" she said. "Thanks for saving us back there Bridge, we owe you one!" said Trent. They had reached the woods. They saw Duncan kneeling on the ground next to an injured Courtney. Alejandro & Cody were there too. Upon seeing the wound in Courtney's leg, Gwen exclaimed, "Oh my God!" What happened?" "Someone started shooting at us, & a bullet hit Courtney" said Alejandro. Heather noticed that he looked weak & pale. He was clutching the wound on his chest in pain. The bandages were soaked with blood. "Alejandro, are you OK?" she asked. "I'll be fine, mi amor. I'm a lot better now that you're here." He said with a smirk. Heather rolled her eyes. Duncan had torn off one of his sleeves & used it to bandage Courtney's leg. "I know it's not perfect, I was never a CIT, but its the best I can do now." he said. "Guys, hate to interrupt, but there's still a killer after us!" Noah whisper-yelled. But a few seconds later, they heard the sound of choppers & sirens overhead.

A/N: This is my longest chapter yet, at 1033 words. I had a lot of writer's block while writing this, but I hope its good & you enjoy it. The next chapter will be the conclusion & then I'm gonna do a 3-part epilogue. Hope you like this chapter. Please leave comments, I would love to know what you think! Until next time! :)

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