Chapter 51 - The Release

Start from the beginning

"Oh, nothing you should be worried about, my sweet." Xed chuckled as he opened the bar door and began dragging the rope toward Yama. "Just going to have fun with this guy before I kill him for good."

       Right after Xed shoved the keys into his pocket, the Elitist walked suspiciously close to him before stopping to look like they were standing guard outside of the cell. Yama got to his feet as Xed reached out a hand and shoved him to the wall by his throat. "You were Zankoku's doctor during his reign, right? You must know what I plan to do with you then."

"Throw me up on a hook and slash my guts open? No, I can't guess." Yama lowly growled as he caught sight of the Elitist in the hall.

       (Y/N) was clinging to her cell bars desperately but soon noticed the Elitist moving to unlock her cell. She looked surprised at them as they were able to get the door opened quietly and started unlocking her cuffs.

"It's me." The Elitist whispered.

"You were right, my friend. I'm going to give you a bloodbath!" Xed excitedly chuckled, as if he's been waiting to do this before his voice began to lower as a sadistic look crossed his face. "And if you don't die from it, I'll give you another one, and another one, and another one until you do."

       Xed's free hand moved down to cut his palm open with his claws, letting his blood soon drip down onto his fingers. He lifted his hand up and hovered it dangerously close to Yama's side. "But first, just to make sure you don't try anything."

        Before his blood could touch the doctor, he heard a loud growl at his side before he was tackled to the ground suddenly by (Y/N). His eyes widened even more at her sudden appearance as he grabbed her with his unbleeding hand and forced himself on top of her while chuckling widely. "What's this, my little monster?! How did you get free?"

         Yama moved to intervene but was stopped by the Elitist who began unlocking the padlock keeping his wrist bonded. He looked down at them and saw their yellow eyes. He couldn't lie, he was impressed.

         (Y/N) was trying to keep Xed's attention on her so she whipped out her vines to wrap around his arm and throw him off of her, but stayed careful to not let his blood touch her. He saw this coming and kicked her back against the wall. He smiled insanely as he grabbed her and went to shove his bleeding hand into her stomach when he felt a force grab him by his neck and arms and then drag him back into the opposite wall harshly. His body slammed against the hard concrete and he grunted at the impact.

        When he looked up, he saw the doctor holding his left hand up as he got close to him. The force around Xed's neck tightened enough to make him gagged as his arms were pinned against the wall.

"Don't you ever touch her again..." Yama growled through his teeth.

       (Y/N) was breathing heavily from her moment of rage and slowly got to her feet. She went from watching Xed to the Elitist who set them free. They turned to her and started pulling off the mask, revealing an exhausted but still going B. (Y/N) gasped as she immediately ran to her friend and wrapped her arms around her.

"How did you- I-" (Y/N) struggled to speak, so happy that the Capturer was alive but struggling to figure out how she was here.

"I snuck in. It was pretty hard with so many crazies around." B stated as she hugged her back before pulling away to inspect her. "Are you alright? Did they do anything?"

"No, I'm fine. What about you?" (Y/N) questioned, B was a human after all in a building full of demons. But the Capturer shook her head to reassure her. "I managed to slip out before they got to this place and I followed you. I think it's safe to say that we do need the extra help..."

      B saw a lot on her way to finding the cells. A lot of Elitists, a lot of messed up sights, a lot of blood especially. This place was horrible. The sooner they get out the better.

      As B turned to Yama who was keeping Xed unmoving, she looked him up and down and noticed his shorter hair. "What happened to you, doctor? I thought you left?"

       Yama tsked as he kept his focus on Xed and not his old friend's daughter. "It's a long story."

"Oh, don't be so coy with them, doctor." Xed chuckled. "Tell the human how much you broke poor (Y/N)'s heart."

"Shut it." Yama growled as he lifted Xed up before slamming him into the wall again.

      But Xed wasn't done, he bit back his discomfort and looked to them all with a grin. "So what now? You get loose and plan to escape? You're going to kill me?"

"I should..." (Y/N) hissed as vines appeared from her arms and hovered dangerously close to the center of Xed's head. "You deserve to die for what you did!"

"You should be thanking me, my little monster. You wouldn't have become Zankoku's successor if it wasn't for me~." He sweetly spoke.

"I never asked for this!" (Y/N) hissed, bringing her vines closer to him. "Before I kill Zankora, I'm going to kill you first..."

      But it was like her threats meant nothing to him, it only made him more excited. "It would be an honor! But that's not the future I planned for us."

       She hissed but Yama pulled her back before she could strike Xed and risk getting infected. His right arm moved to wrap around her waist and keep her close to him as he glanced down at her. "Don't touch him, remember?"

"Such a smart man, doctor. Makes me can't stand you even more." Xed chuckled.

        B huffed as she approached the Elitist and forced his head up so that she had a clear view of his eyes. "Keep him alive. He can be useful."

"Useful for what exactly?" Yama grumbled, he was only useful being dead.

"We can use him for information. He has to know of a way out of here or any weak points the Elitists may have." B said as she focused on Xed's eyes. "Sometimes it's worth keeping them alive."

"Good luck getting a single word out of me, human. I'm not that easy to crack." Xed snickered.

       But B watched his eyes closely. "I don't need you to talk."

       She glanced back to (Y/N) and nodded toward Xed with a knowing look. "You wanna help me look? You can recognize something that I won't."

        Search Xed's mind with her..? (Y/N) felt unsure about, not wanting to see... something terrible. But if it meant getting out of here, she bit back her fear and nodded. B glanced up to Yama as she placed a hand over (Y/N)'s head before she went back to focusing on Xed. "Keep watch. This will only take a minute."

"Like mother, like daughter." Yama whispered as he kept his hold on Xed and listened out to the halls for anything.

      Xed watched them closely, not understanding what they were doing. He went to say something snarky again but soon felt his body grow lighter as he looked into B's eyes which began to glow. Both his and (Y/N)'s eyes grew cloudy before everything began to fade to black.

       A cold air washed over them and the sound of a sea crashed against the shore.

       It was daylight, seagulls were squawking, and the smell of salt water filled the air. Both B and (Y/N)'s visions cleared as they looked around. Seeing that they were on a... beach?

"Xed!" A voice called out. They both turned to see a female demon, a tall one with long grey hair and pale white skin. She wore an old battered sunhat that kept her shaded from the sun as she waved down at something past the girls.

        When they followed her gaze, their eyes settled on a little boy. One that looked a bit sickly but sat down in the sand and had a failed attempt at a sandcastle in front of him.

        He turned around, his wide eyes settling on (Y/N) unknowingly as he looked up at his mother.

"I'm coming..." His small voice muttered.

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