Emmet Brickowski: Whoa. [Emmet spots someone he knows across the street] Hey, Surfer Dave.

Surfer Dave: Hey, brah. [walking down the street]

Emmet Brickowski: Oh, good morning, Sharon.

Sharon: He, fella.

~suddenly her cats starts walking out of her apartment~

Emmet Brickowski: Oh, hey, Jasmine. Dexter. Andy! Loki, Brad, Leroy, Fluffy, Fluffy Junior, Fluffy Senior, Jeff.

~Emmet continues walking then notices the female minifigure, who is walking as she is holding her cup of hot chocolate; it was Christine, his friend who is also his neighbor who lives next door at his apartment. Emmet waves at her, then Christine notices Emmet.~

Christine: Hi Emmet!

Emmet: Good morning Christine!

Christine: Going to work in a splendid morning?

Emmet: Indeed. How's your performance at the theater last night?

Christine: It's good Ems.

Emmet: That's awesome. Anyways, I got to go. Can't late be for work!

Christine: All right, catch you later Ems! [waves her hand (claw?) goodbye to Emmet]

Emmet: Catch you later too Chris! [waves his hand back to Christine. He gets into car and drives into work] Step twelve: obey all traffic signs and regulations. Step thirteen: enjoy popular music. [he turns on the radio]

Radio DJ: Top of the charts again, it's "Everything is Awesome".

Emmet Brickowski: Oh, my gosh! I love this song!

~the music starts playing~

Music on Radio: Everything is awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of a team. Everything is awesome when you're living a dream.

Emmet Brickowski: Always use the turn signal, park between the lines. [Emmet and everyone else parks in exactly the same way] Yes! Drop off dry cleaning before noon, read the headlines, don't forget to smile. [we waves and smiles to everyone as he walks down the street] Always root for the local sports team.

~Emmet and the Lego citizens shouts~

Lego Citizens: Go, sports team!

Emmet Brickowski: Always return a compliment. [to the male Lego citizen stepping out of the coffee shop] Hey, you look nice. [everyone turns to Emmet]

Lego Citizens: So do you!

Emmet Brickowski: Drink overpriced coffee! [inside the coffee shop he buys a coffee]

Larry The Barista: There you go. That's thirty-seven dollars.

~Emmet looks at him for a moment before replying with excitement~

Emmet Brickowski: Awesome!

~Emmet walks to work with his 'overpriced coffee' following the line of all the other construction workers doing exactly the same.~

Construction Worker: Did you see "Where are my Pants?" last night? [everyone replies at the same time] Classic episode.

~the Everything is Awesome" music continues to play in the background as the Lego construction workers get into position~

Foreman: Instructions coming in from central. Okay, it says here that anything that's weird then blow it up. [the workers start blowing up the buildings] Alright, everyone, let's make it look exactly like it does in the instruction.

Construction Worker #1: Hey, buddy! I need one-by-two keyhole!

Emmet Brickowski: No, problem, Michael.

Construction Worker #2: Two-by-two macaroni over here.

Emmet Brickowski: Two-by-tow macaroni flying in. Here's one, Mel.

~everyone chatters around~

Construction Worker #2B Cheese slopes! Cheese slopes! Come on, everybody.

Emmet Brickowski: Roger that, Roger.

Gail: Can I get a couple of lurps over here

Emmet Brickowski: Thanks, Gail.

Construction Worker #3: Hey, guys. Watch me drill this down. [everyone cheers.]

~they all start singing along to "Everything is Awesome"~

Emmet Brickowski: Man, I feel so good right now! I can sing this song for hours!

~5 Hours Later; everyone at the construction site is still singing "Everything is Awesome" and it's finally coming to the end of the day.~

Construction Worker #1: When you're part of a team! Wooh! Yeah! I'm going to the Sports Bar after work tonight. Who wants to eat some delicious chicken wings and get crazy!

~as the other constructions workers start leave together, Emmet is left behind and tries to get their attention~

Emmet Brickowski: Chicken wings! I love chicken wings!

Construction Worker #2: Yeah, who wants to share a croissant with this guy?

Emmet Brickowski: Croissant! I love croissant!

Construction Worker #3: Oh, yeah! I sure do love giant sausages!


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