Chapter 9/ fighting for me and you

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"I love you so much Killua!" Gon shared a lovingly kiss between front of everyone...even Micah who was not happy.

Killua pulled away and looked at Gon, stunned and flustered. "Uh-cough wow" was all Killua could say, he was speechless, Gon just giggled.

"Uhh hello there's still a knife in my hand!" Micah yelled, behind Killua, desperately.
Killua looked down at Micah "oh yeah...I forgot about you, you little rat" he said and took the knife out, Micah howled in even more pain "oh shut up I've been in way worse conditions then you" Killua snarled then threw the knife away.

Killua walked up to Gon and hugged him, "what was it that you were going to tell me?" Gon said, quietly. Killua kissed him back, "that I love you....also" Killua said, shyly, rubbing the back of his head. Gon smiled "I'm glad I can be with you-"

Gon paused, his eyes widened with fear "Gon what's the matter?-" Killua looked down at him.....

Blood....oozing out from Gon's jacket...he's been Micah, who was behind him. Killua looked at him In horror, he started trembling.

"Now look what you made me do...." Micah growled from behind. He took the knife out and let Gon flop to the floor, luckily the knife didn't go all the way but he is seriously injured. He fainted, Killua started screaming and shook Gon furiously. "Gon! Gon! GOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!" He cried but no answer.

"I'll call 911!" Someone said in the audience and dialled the number "I'll call an ambulance!" Someone else said and called them too. Killua didn't hear the other people on their phones calling the emergency services, Killua just kept crying his eyes out on Gon.

Killua woke up from the blinding hospital light, he blinked a few times to adjust his surroundings. He saw Gon laying in his bed, hooked up to many machines and the constant beeping . It showed on the screen that Gon's breathing was just about stable, but if no one called on time he would've of died.

Killua was told to be excused and waited in the waiting room whilst they operated on him.

When Killua came to, he saw Aunt Mito, also crying. He sat down next to her. "Oh *sniff sniff* hi Killua dear" Aunt Mito said with a weak smile, "hey" was all he could say, he stared blankly at the floor. "I had no idea.....that Gon was being bullied" Aunt Mito says "why didn't he tell me?" She sobbed "I'm's my fault" Killua mumbled "what's that dear? Don't be sorry it's not your fault, you didn't hurt him" Aunt Mito said "no but...this entire thing is my fault. I had this creepy stalker liking me and following me and he hates Gon for being around me all the I decided to get revenge so we can finally
Be together.....but now he might die....and it's all my fault...he was right my arms, why didn't I see Micah?" Killua burst out crying again.

Aunt Mito rubbed his back to comfort him, "I don't think it's your fault Killua, and I don't blame you" Killua looked up at Aunt Mito "you said that bully kid is called Micah ? Then he's the one to blame, he put you two through so much and now he's crossed the line...hopefully he'll be sentenced to prison after all this, but never blame yourself Killua, you're Gon's best friend, and he really cares about you, so don't beat yourself up ok? I bet he's in that room right now, fighting for his life" Aunt Mito said, Killua wiped his tears away "thanks Mito-San" he said and waited patiently with her for hours until the doctors brought the news about Gon.

6 hours or so have passed. It was dark in the hospital room and only a few people were there. The doctor came out and walked up to Aunt Mito and Killua. They both stood up "how is he?" Aunt Mito said with a shaky voice, "he's gonna be fine, that little fella is one tough cookie I'm telling ya, he lost quite a few blood, but there's enough to keep him alive until he's old, we ran some tests, the cut wasn't deep and luckily it wasn't aimed to the heart or else that'll be fatal but he is seriously injured and might need to keep it study for a while, we also stitched him up" the doctor explained. Both Mito and Killua sighed in relief. "May we see him?" Killua asked and the doctor nodded and took them to Gon's room.

"He's sleeping right now who knows when he'll wake up maybe any minute or hour or so, I will leave you two to it" the doctor said and closed the door behind him.

Aunt Mito sat on the left side of Gon and Killua sat on the right side. Aunt Mito stroked his hair and Killua took his hand.
"Please be ok" Killua whispered, Aunt Mito looked at Killua who had his head down and was still holding on tightly to Gon's hand, she smiled "You like him don't you?" She suddenly said, Killua shot up from embarrassment but slowly nodded and chuckled "I'm glad Gon has someone like you to look after" she said, "uh-we kinda confessed to each other-before he got stabbed" Killua muttered but Mito heard and smiled "I'm glad, I'm gonna have a word with the doctor about the boy who stabbed Gon, stay here if you like" she said "thanks Mito" Killua said and she walked out the door.

About a couple hours later, Killua was sleeping on Gon's side, Aunt Mito was discussing things with the doctor still and went out to do a bit of grocery shopping whilst Gon was still sleeping. Gon opened up his eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light, he squinted but then he felt another weight next to him. He saw Killua....sleeping next to him, cuddled up in the bed, his arms wrapped around his body. Gon smiled at the sight but then noticed Killua's eyes, they were red and sore and had dry tears...lots of them, he must of been crying a lot.

Gon brushed Killua's bangs out his face, which made him wake up. He yawned and then looked up, he almost felt like crying again once he saw Gon with wide eyes and his signature shining smile.

"Gon!! Haha you're ok!" Killua cried and squeezed him even more "ow ow ow hurting me hurting me!" Gon cried, "oops-sorry" Killua laughs "how long was I out?" Gon said "about 2 days and a half" Killua said "2 days?!" He gasped. He lifted up his hospital gown and looked at his stomach "what's that?!" He freaked pointing to the scar "that's where you've been stabbed, the doctors operated on you, they said you're gonna be fine but you need to take it easy for a while" Killua explained, Gon made a O shape with his mouth meaning he understood.

"Do you....remember anything?" Killua asked, Gon tapped his chin "I remember a party.... I think...lots of people then I ran up to you and told you that I love you and then I can't remember anything else" Gon said "you're memory may be blurry at the moment but we were planning a revenge on Micah and then he stabbed you" Killua explained "ohh-" Gon said. "Don't worry about him now he's going to prison! But I just wanna say...." Killua took both of Gon's hands. "I just wanna say that...I love you too, so much Gon, you don't know how much you mean to me, I've been in love with you since we were kids" Killua said. Gon's eyes started to water, "r-really? Because I've been in love with you since middle school, I finally understand true feelings for you. I love you Killua Zoldyck" Gon said, a bit loudly, and both boys shared a lovingly kiss. "Ahem!" They heard a voice come through the door it was Mito and Kurapika and Leorio was standing behind her with the doctors "seems like your fully awake" one doctor teased and Killua hid his face in embarrassment, Gon Just laughed "I got some treats for you" Aunt Mito said, walking up to him "Aunt Mito!!!" Gon yelled and hugged her "don't forget your buddies" Leorio chimes in "Kurapika...Leorio..." Gon says with happy tears.

Childhood Lover (Killua x Gon) {CHANGED TITLE} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat