5👑: Let's make a deal

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At the north of the Roan Empire. A kingdom that is surrounded by snow. A place that experiences 6 months of cold, Paerun Kingdom.

A man was casually walking in the corridor of the palace knocked at one of the rooms. "I'm here, your highness."

"You may enter."

Upon entering the room he saw a man sitting on the couch who was drinking a wine as he brushed his white hair to the side. He bowed to that person as a smirk appeared on his lips and said. "I've found a rather interesting story for you, your highness."

"Hm?" The man tilted his head as he looked at the man standing in front of him and said. "Make sure that it will interest me Duke of the Sekka household, Clopeh Sekka."

Clopeh smiled as his eyes squinted before he answered. "Of course, your highness."


At the crown prince palace, in the garden.

"Cale Henituse, would you like to be my mate? What do you say?" Alberu said nonchalantly.

Cale's eyes widened in surprise. His highness mate?! That sounds trouble! At that time he felt really scared for the first time. My peace will disappear!

Cale rubbed the back of his neck as he thought, while i do want to have a mate being his highness mate is something that would be troublesome. Cale looked at the garden before looking at a tea that was being served to him.

After breakfast the crown prince invited Cale for some tea in the gazebo in his garden. Cale looks at the gorgeous man in front of him who is drinking his tea elegantly. He grabbed the cup as he took a sip of the tea and put it down carefully back in the table. But, being his highness mate would also be beneficial to me..."Your highness, about being your mate... I want us to have a deal."

"A deal?" Alberu asked as he leaned on his seat.

"Yes. Make a deal with me." Based on the information about the crown prince he is a kind of person who would use people based on their talents and so far even though he's been meeting with a lot of candidates to be his mate he hasn't chosen anyone. It can mean they are not useful or not to his standards.

Alberu looks at Cale who looks like he was thinking about something as he thought. This guy is not a pushover. A smile appeared on his lips that time. He might look timid, but this guy is someone whose good with what his doing. I guess it's not his first time making a deal. "What kind of deal?"

"If i become your mate..." Cale raised his index finger as he said. "Please keep it a secret."

"You know it's something that can't be kept."

Cale looks at Alberu who is seriously considering his idea. A smile appeared on his lips as he answered. "I don't intend to keep it a secret forever. I want you to give me time, your highness."


Cale nod as he explained. "You see, i don't really like dealing with nobles. It's too troublesome. They're a pain in the ass, some are pretty shitty." Cale said with an annoyed expression on his face.

Alberu's eyes are wide open as he listened to Cale cursing the nobles. He can't help but let a chuckle out his mouth. "Haha!" Alberu seems really happy as he covers his lips that has a wide smile on it. "I see." I like this guy's personality. "Okey, but I'm wondering what you'll do in the time you're given?"

"Im currently chasing some bad guys and monsters who hurt my people."

"Bad guys and monsters huh..." Alberu said as he took another sip of tea. "I understand, but you see... I offered being you're mate because i also have a thing i want to do."

Cale nod as he said. "I understand that, your highness. That is why it's gonna be a deal. Add whatever condition you want."

Alberu look at Cale and said. "I want to at least let the emperor know about you being my mate. You see...like you, i also hate dealing with nobles especially the mate candidates." I found my fated pair. Im not gonna let the emperor suggest anyone again.

"Hm... I guess it's annoying." Cale took a cookie and eat it as he continued. "I understand." I guess it would not be bad if the emperor knows. Cale nod. "Yes, im okey with it."

The two got a smile on their faces as they continued with the deal. I had a pretty good deal with Cale Henituse. Alberu drank his tea with a light heart. I finally solved this annoying problem of having a mate.

Cale also drinks his tea as he thought. One problem solved, now i won't have a problem if my heat is triggered since the crown prince will be the only one affected by it.

They continued to have a smile of relief as they had some trivial talks. "By the way, when is your heat?" Alberu asked.

"...3 days from now."

"Oh, It's gonna happen soon huh...it might be good to stay here for a while. What do you say?"

Staying with his highness would be good, but what about the people who knows im staying here they might think there is something happening. Cale was deep in thought so he wasn't able to see Alberu's eyes on him.

Alberu was watching him while eating some cookies. He watched as Cale licked his lips that had some cookie crumbs. Alberu can't help but stare at Cale's lips down to his pale neck and at his long fingers that are tapping the table. Ah, what the hell, i want to bite him. He thought as he covered his mouth with his hand.

"Your highness?" Cale called again. It was his 3rd time calling Alberu.

"Oh, sorry."

Cale has a Little frown in his face as he thought what the? Why is he not on focus? as he said. "It's okey, your highness. I decided that it is indeed better for me to stay here, the problem is 3 days is still quite long. There might be some rumors."

"Let's just say we were discussing something about the monsters appearing around the empire. You fought them right? Some of those monsters."

"Yes." They just suddenly attacked our territory without anyone noticing...

Alberu was about to stand up from his seat to end their conversation when he thought of something. "Cale Henituse, how about we really discuss about this monsters? I want to hear your observations and opinions base on your experience."

Oh, i guess it would be a good idea to talk to someone who has experience subjugating those things. He thought and nod as he said. "I understand. When will we discuss it?"

Alberu got up as he said. "We can do it tomorrow. For now, you should rest."

Cale also got up from his seat and bowed. "Thank you, your highness."

And so the two of them went on their own ways. Alberu went to his office while Cale stayed at the garden to have some walk. I ate too many cookies...


At Alberu's office.

"It's a message from Sir Choi Han." Tasha said as she handed Alberu an orb the size of the head of a peson. There was some messages written on it.

I'll be coming back in 3 days. The north is silent. There's a strange movement from the Kingdom Lau.

Alberu just looked at the the orb silently. "Lau huh..." He mumbled. I guess i need to look in to it. He thought as he rubbed his stomach.

Tasha looked worried as she asked. "Are you alright, your highness?"

"Yeah." I just ate too many cookies.



Hello guys how are you? Thank you for reading the new chapter. Hope you liked it.☺️
To those who might be confused regarding the kingdoms name i just invented some of it. Like Kingdom Lau for example hehehe. I just suddenly thought of Lau don't know why😆

Anyway thank you and may you have a good day.❤️

Love? Or Just Your Mate? (Alberu x Cale TCF fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें