Her tears , His inner turmoil .

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Nandini kept looking at Neil without saying a word .Neils word started to repeat in her mind .Neil noticed her ,she is looking like a blank kid ... .what happen Nandini ?? Tears welled up from Nandini's eyes without her realisation.

Nandini replied ,nothing Neil.... but you never shared your moving plan to anyone ?? It was all sudden Nandini ,Neil replied .....
Without giving him a look Nandini walked away ,controlling her tears .

I saw tears in her eyes when I said my plans to her ,but why tears in her eyes Neil started thinking and kept looking at her retreating figure.....

Nandini came towards the garden area ,wiping her tears .. ,recalling neils word .

Suddenly Nandini's phone ringed NAME : Lakshmi Di ,she thought Lakshmi might be worried for her , few minutes later she was going inside when one of her friend stopped her . Aarav " Hey ,Nandini how are you ??.Nandini turned back ,ooh aarav you.. she passed a smile. aarav noticed her red eyes ,are you crying Nandini??? Aarav asked .No ..no she replied without looking at him .No you are lying ,tell me what happened ?? Aarav asked her .

Nandini is well aware of aarav smart nature,the one who can study someone mind very well. Nandini tried he best to hide her emotions and with a tight smile she replied ,nothing aarav you are just....Nandini runned her fingers in his hair ...NANDINI ......don't do this yarrrrr ,I really don't like when someone mess my hair aarav replied .Nandini tried her best to divert his mind .Nandini looking at him making puppy face .aarav pulled her nose. Both laughing heartily.

Neil is standing in a corner to pick up his phone call, but was stunned to see Nandini's little fight with aarav .who is he Neil mumbled .I never saw Nandini being so close to anyone before .

Neil clenching his fist tightly and giving death glare to aarav ,seeing aarav being so close to Nandini.

Neil leave from there with rage ....
Nandini and aarav entered the party with smiling face .

Neil completely gazing at Nandini from the moment aarav joined her.

On the other hand ....... Neil paused for a moment .thinking and trying to find out his inner turmoil ...... as he felling bad seeing Nandini being close to someone else .......

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Next ch. Coming soon ......


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