lee ji hoon, nicknamed woozi; age twenty-five, korean

yoon jeong han; age twenty-six, korean

hong ji soo, also called joshua; age twenty-six, korean american

lee seok min, nicknamed dokyeom or dk; age twenty-five, korean

boo seung kwan; age twenty-four, korean

kwon soon young, nicknamed hoshi; age twenty-six, korean

wen jun hui; age twenty-six, chinese

xu ming hao; age twenty-four, chinese

lee chan, nicknamed dino; age twenty-three, korean

the files contain everything about the individuals, from basic information to family and friends to any criminal offences that were swept under the rug. wonwoo thinks it's a little ironic how the police are the supposed good guys when so many of them have buried or sealed records.

none of the nine has big offences, just petty theft or breaking and entering. wonwoo remembers seeing the file of a cop who had killed a suspect with intent and not only roamed free but still had his job. for wonwoo, a small part of the reason why he does what he does is because of people like that.

the first files they ever stole were their own. when two people they only know as 'yin' and 'yang' got roped into their antics, they also took their files. now, with fifteen stolen files, their collection is complete.

yin and yang's files are by far the thinnest. virtually nothing about them is known by perilous, and even less by the police. the duo shows up in the direst of situations, effectively helping perilous out of danger. they almost never stick around and always cover their faces, just like perilous. any photos of perilous are blurry, but it's like yin and yang don't physically exist.

as they eat, only three of them are drinking in the new information. mingyu is noisily drinking up the broth from his ramen right into wonwoo's ear. wonwoo is pretty sure the younger is purposely sitting too close to him just to be a nuisance.

"is this really necessary?" he asks with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed expression as he looks at mingyu. he would probably look scarier if it weren't for his foggy lenses.

mingyu smiles before taking an especially loud slurp and says very plainly, "yes."

wonwoo clenches his jaw and elbows the younger, which is met by a hiss and a slap to the head. he ignores the hand that then rests gently at the base of his neck and the soft breathing that's way too close to his face. he very much tries to focus on the words in front of him instead.

a detail seems to catch vernon's eye. "hold on, look at this." he points at a line of one profile. "i'm pretty sure i went to school with him."

"lee ji hoon," wonwoo repeats, looking over. "i'm not totally sure, but the name sounds familiar to me, too."

"he was always interested in music. i wonder how he ended up as a cop," vernon finishes his thought.

"do you think he remembers you?" seungcheol asks.

"probably not. other than being 'the weird kid,' i didn't have much of a presence in university."

"regardless, he has our names and information about us," mingyu adds. "if they're good enough, they'll be able to catch us."

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