4 page letter🥀

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"I like how you're laughing and didn't even ask me if I'm okay..." She said.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

"Too late, but I missed a step somehow and next thing I know I'm on my ass.. you know what? Fuck it.." She said back as I watched her snatch the wig off.

"Oh my— Brandy?!?" I laughed.

"What? I'm almost at the hair and makeup trailer and it's practically hanging off my head.."

"I know it was talking to me before you did.." I laughed.

"You know what? Bye! Get off my phone.." she hung up and I laughed even harder. I just kept imagining her missing a step and sliding down the trailer.

: I'm sorry 😞

Bouj🫶🏾: You're not


- Was it like this ?

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- Was it like this ?

Bouj🫶🏾: Leave me alone😭
- I called you for comfort & this is what I get..

: Whatever I know you were
laughing at yourself😭

Bouj🫶🏾: Definitely was.
- I looked to see if anyone saw and just laid there laughing to myself💀

: But seriously are you okay?
Any bruises?

Bouj🫶🏾: I gotta check my ass later because thats what I fell on and it's stinging right now.

: Oh you should be good. You have a lot of cushion back there!

Bouj🫶🏾: stop texting me.

: I only speak the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️

Later that night...
Brandy's pov

"Mama, if mommy's not here who's going to make dinner?" Mya asked from her place at the kitchen island.

She could clearly see me taking things out of the refrigerator but I decided to entertain her question anyway.

"Me. Is that problem princess?"

"Yes.." she laughed causing me to glare at her.

"Mama, please don't make us eat your food..." Mya pleaded.

"Y'all all act like I haven't cooked successfully a couple times.."

"Once, mama. It was once.." Mazi said turning the corner while holding Benji's hand.

"Okay, now when dinner is good. I don't want to hear anything from any of you.." I pointed the spoon in my hand at them as the all shook their heads in distress.

"We're going to be sick and tomorrow Saturday. You're ruining our weekend" Mya pouted.

"Y'all are so dramatic. You will not get sick.." I laughed as I turned the stove on.

"If you say so.." Mazi said.

Once I was finished cooking we sat around the table and everyone pretended to be hesitant about eating. They always did this anytime I cooked anything. I blame Monica.

"Can y'all eat your food before it gets cold?"

"Wait, mama we forgot to pray!" Mazi said.

"Yes because we will need it.." Mya mumbled.

"Okay go ahead and pray for us.." I sighed.

"Dear lord please help our stomachs because mama and the kitchen do not go well together. Amen!"

He looked up at me nervous as he finished the prayer and then stared back at his plate causing me to sigh. Why were our kids so shady?

"Just take one bite and if you don't like then we can get something else. Which shouldn't be necessary because it's good, look at Benji.." I pointed to Benji who had food all over his face and a huge grin.

"I'll just pray one more time.." Mya sighed before saying the second prayer of the night. After she finished praying they took a bite of the chicken in front of them.

They didn't say much after that as they were too busy stuffing their faces with food. Once they were done I helped them get ready for bed.

It was Friday so I was going to let them stay up for a little bit longer than usual. We played some games together until they all got tired and helped them get into bed.

I went back into my room and started to get myself ready for bed. I was exhausted. Today wasn't as bad because I didn't have many scenes to film, but my body was on fire after falling out my trailer. Luckily, I didn't bruise anything hit it definitely felt like I did.

This was one of the many reason why I couldn't wait for this season to be over. Thankfully, the season's filming was almost a wrap for me.

I only had a week left of filming until I was done completely. Then I would have to prepare for the press tour which wouldn't be for another month or so.

After I took a shower and changed my clothes I went downstairs to grab the pile of mail I forgot to open earlier.

I opened the packages first, most of them were stuff I ordered for the kids or for Monica, and I left the ones addressed to Monica for her to open.

Then I went through the letters which were mostly bills or just junk mail that needed to be shredded.

Once I got to the last letter I stared at the stamp immediately knowing who it was from. I didn't even need to see the name to know there was only one person who would send me this.

Mailed from an inmate at Valley State Prison. The Facility is not responsible for the substance or contents.

A/N: Who's it from?🤭

THIN LINE SEQUALDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora