I Care🥀

407 21 21

Monica's pov

"Hello.." I sighed as she finally picked up the phone.

"Uh— Hi, Brandy's on set right now. Can I tell her to call you back?" The girl asked and I sighed again as I decided hung up.

This was like the fifth time she didn't answer. I understood being busy but damn. An hour went by and she finally called me back.

"So, you don't answer phones anymore or what's going on? Because I was sent to voicemail five times and then the phone finally answers and it's not even you!" I ranted neglecting to say hello.

"Hello to you too.."

"I'm not in the mood. I haven't so much as gotten a text from you since yesterday after—" She cut me off finishing my sentence.

"—After you hung up on me.."

"Ya damn right I did because you don't care, clearly..." I trailed off as I began to get everything off my chest.

I was so mad I couldn't even get my sentences together. I was just talking and for the most part she was quiet letting me get it all out.

"Like I said I was on set... I don't know who answered my phone because I left it in my trailer, but I apologize—"

"—You need to figure out who answered your phone." I sighed.

"Okay, I'll figure it out. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Seems like it's something more going on. Why did you blow my phone up in the first place?" She asked.

"I didn't know I needed a reason other than wanting to talk to you, but okay."

"I didn't say that I'm just asking because you seem upset about something and I can't think of anything I did."

"Well.." I sighed as I went back to getting ready. She stayed quiet and watched me get ready through the camera.

"You still going to the game?" She asked and I nodded.

"Okay, well have fun and you can call me when you get back home or don't.."

"Alright, bye.." I said hanging up not giving her the opportunity to say anything further

. I went back to doing my hair until I looked down to see Toya calling me and I answered quickly. "Did you leave out yet?"

"No, I'm leaving out now.," I said through the phone. "Lying is a sin, but okay call me when you pick Kandi up.."

"Girl, bye!" I said hanging up and throwing my things into the purse I was carrying.

I was hoping this game went by fast so I wasn't out all night.  I just wasn't in the mood to be out but I already agreed to it so there was no backing out now.

Brandy's been very busy and responding to messages slow putting me in a obvious funk. I understood she was busy but so was I and I still made time to respond so I wasn't here for the excuses.

I was tired of her acting like she didn't care when I brought things like that to her attention. She thought telling me she cared was enough, but that's where she was wrong.

No matter your intentions if hurt someone you should acknowledge that and not continue to be nonchalant about it. All of this combined was putting a damper on my mood. I just wanted to lay in bed and watch movies until I fall asleep.

It wasn't until I heard Kandi yelling that I was reminded I was driving. "Damn, slow the fuck down!" Kandi yelled causing me to lighten my foot that was on the gas.

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