
408 22 11

Monica's pov

"How long until I can take this blindfold off?"

"Not much longer." She responded and continued to guide me by my hips toward lord knows where.

I knew that we were still outside, but she made me wear a blindfold the entire car ride. Which made it hard for me to distinguish where we could be. 

I then felt myself walking through a door followed by the feeling of cool air. The next thing I knew the blindfold was removed from my eyes and I blinked a couple times in confusion as the room came into focus.

The walls were covered in graffiti, there were broken pieces of furniture, shattered glass, and a bunch of mallets strategically placed in the center of the room on a table.

"What the hell kind of date is this?" I asked clutching my purse to my chest.

"It's a rage room..." She said in 'duh' like tone as if I was supposed to know that. My eyes popped out of my head as I scanned the room and she walked around me with a soft chuckle.

She grabbed two of the mallets and held one out for me to take. "Here give me your purse."

Reluctantly, I handed it over to her and she sat it down onto the table and I grabbed the mallet from her hand. I took one more glance around the room before I jumped at the sound of shattered glass.

"Shit! Oh, yeah this is going to be fun.." She giggled.

"May I ask the point of this?"

"I thought this would be a good way to release some pent up emotions.." She answered before swinging her mallet into the broken tv in front of us.

"So, I thought we could think about what are the things in our relationship that we need to work on as we hit these object.." She shrugged.

A smile spread across my face against my better judgment as I nodded at her idea. She was perfect, how could I think anything less.

"I like that idea.."

"Good, so—" she cut herself off by swinging her mallet once more.

"I think we need to work on not being petty. We have tendency to try to get back at one another in a way that I don't think is healthy.." She swung the mallet into the picture frame and we watched as it cracked.

"Weak ass swing.." I laughed and she shoved my shoulder.

"Go ahead you try... but you have to say something first.."

I nodded, taking a deep breath thinking of what I wanted to say. "Well first I'll say I agree with you. We can both be very petty and as funny as it is we're too grown to be doing that.. especially knowing it's not helping."

I watched as she nodded and I continued to think about what I should say.

"...I think that we, but especially me, should watch the way we speak to each other." I finally spoke up before hitting the already broken shelf and watching as it fell to the ground.

"Damn!" Brandy jumped back.

"Oh shit! That was fun... wait I wanna do it again!" I yelled before hitting another shelf. I then moved onto the closest thing to me which happened to be the table.

I lifted the mallet towards it about to smash it down before Brandy started yelling.

"Wait! The table isn't for smashing purposes! Oh my Gosh!?" She yelled, holding her hand out in front of me.

"Oh— well you should've said that.." I laughed as she took the mallet out of my hands.

"I don't think you would do all that but anyway... I like what you said, but I think it's just natural for us to talk shit to each other. I never take it personal.."

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