Lilia Vanrouge - A Bit Batty But Okay

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Lilia has accidentally lost baby Malleus more than once in the palace.

As a child, he was an ankle-biter! If someone teased him he would immediately go for the ankles.

Lilia can flawlessly play the bagpipes, when he was younger he would be the one to sound them as the army marched into battle. He also played them at 3 O'Clock in the morning much to Diasomnia's dismay.

He participated in the search for Sleeping Beauty, he did run into her on various occasions but never connected the dots. This mistake would lead to the greatest gift he could have ever received in the future.

Lilia can and will crack dad jokes whenever he feels like it, even if it embarrasses Silver, Sebek, or even Malleus.

He has accidentally blown up the dorm's kitchen before- Crowley was beyond furious.
He's released crickets in the library before.

He's the reason April Fools Day is banned at NRC... all because he completely boobytrapped Crowley's office and tampered with some of Crewel's potions.

Lilia has- ahem- let a loud one rip in the middle of a silent classroom while everyone was taking a test....

He was quite proud of himself but his poor classmates nearly passed away that afternoon.

He does nightly rounds around the dorm to make sure everyone is tucked in and asleep, he has adjusted the blankets of the sleeping students, picked up fallen pillows or plushies, and left them with a soft "Sweet dreams, child".

Sometimes he sneaks into Silver's bedroom just to spend a few precious moments with him, stroking his hair and face as he dreams and even occasionally singing a lullaby. It's moments like these Lilia treasures.

He worries about Silver's condition and fears that one day it may be the end of his beloved son.

Lilia still likes to scare Silver and Sebek every Halloween season.

He's the only one (other than Malleus and Sebek) who knows Silver's most sensitive tickle spot.
He's woken Silver up with tickle attacks and kisses.

He knows whenever someone is messing with the thermostat. He always knows.

Lilia has shared embarrassing stories of Silver, Sebek, and Malleus to classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2023 ⏰

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