Deuce Spade - Lovable Dummy

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It should be obvious by now but Deuce is 100% a Momma's Boy, he still even halls her "mummie" when no one is looking.

Deuce still sleeps with a plush chick that he has had since he was a child, he named it Eggbert, or Eggie for short.

His baby blanket was a blue blanket patterned with little pastel coloured chicks. He may or may not still have it.

Constantly keeps in touch with his mum, sometimes even calling her before bed just so he can hear her voice.

Deuce's pyjamas are patterned with little breakfast dishes, he even has matching underwear for them.

He has accidentally called Trey "Dad" once and got extremely embarrassed because of it.

Deuce has had a Dipper Pines moment and was caught singing "Disco Girl" in front of the bathroom mirror.

As I mentioned, he can sing and when he does, it's like listening to an angel. If former delinquent, why so angelic??

He sneezes like a kitten.

As a delinquent, Deuce has had his fair share of run ins with the authorities, one time in particular was with a large police dog, a Proxene Shepherd (German Shepherd), he's developed a fear of those particular dogs.

Deuce has a pair of pink fuzzy slippers, his response whenever he's teased for them is "Pink is a manly colour!"

If TWST eventually had an English Dub, I can imagine Deuce with a Cockney accent.

Deuce has never, ever, had "the talk" and is absolutely convinced that all babies are made when a stork brings them to the mummies and daddies.

He still believes in Father Christmas, Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.

Gets awful nightmares if he watches horror films before bed. (Trey grounded him from watching them)

Has a secret stash of candy hidden under his bed.

Deuce keeps a journal, unfortunately Ace discovered it and found that he has a crush on you, dear reader.
Is a huge crybaby when he gets a bad grade and his mum finds out.

He's the kind to worry about his mum not loving him if he fails at something despite his mum being super angelic and understanding.

Has beaten up a kid for talking smack about his mum.

If he has a bad dream he simply phones his mum and talks with her so he can feel better. Sometimes he asks her to sing to him.

He's asked Silver to teach him how to use a sword and is surprisingly good at it.

Silver has taught him the rules of being an "ideal prince" just so he can impress you. He's so sweet with wanting to impress you.

Deuce is 100% convinced chocolate milk comes from brown cows...

Someone, please for the love of the Great Seven, get this dear boy some new brain cells....

——————Someone, please for the love of the Great Seven, get this dear boy some new brain cells

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