Ch. 2 Questions with no answers

Start from the beginning

If he didn't have a passion for art school when he gets older, I'd be surprised given the talent he had.

Bright blue and red flashing lights outside the window caught my eye, overshadowing the light inside the room, and alerting me to look out. Just as promised, an older man in a Sheriff's uniform exited the car with two brown paper bags.

"Casey, stay here," I ordered him and stood up to make my way to the front door.

He stopped coloring and glanced up at me, then to the door when the knocking began. Even though I knew who was on the other side, I still felt a churning in my stomach at the position we were in. I technically didn't know this man, for all I know he could pose as a 'sheriff' and potentially try to hurt my brother or me. Thank goodness I found an umbrella holder with an umbrella inside for the taking.

"Hey, it's me, Rusty. Open the door." He called through the glass-paned door.

I began to reach for the knob to unlock the door with the umbrella at the ready to strike him if he tried anything suspicious.


The door groaned from the hinges exposing me to the figure on the other side. Suddenly, a sconce light I didn't realize was there illuminated from above the door blinding me and the person in front, making me drop my umbrella at the abrupt reflective light hitting my face.

Come to find out that it was the Sheriff's badge that dazzled my eyesight forcing me to blink away the stars I was forced to see.

"Damn, that's bright!" The Sheriff commented, removing his hand from his forehead. "Are you okay? Hope I didn't spook ya."

"Yeah—I mean—no, I'm good," I replied, fluttering my eyelids in hopes my eyesight adjusts back to normal.

"I hate when these fancy automatic light thingamajigs just surprise ya like that. Swear them lights alone could be seen from space, they so bright." He chuckled heartedly, defining his smile lines deeply due to his age.

"Uh sorry about that. I didn't realize that it was there." I apologized, seizing the umbrella and placing it back in the holder, and allowing him passage to come inside. Immediately my stomach protested at the smell of freshly grilled burgers coming from him. As the Sheriff strolled in, he must've read my thoughts when handed me the paper bags. Checking the evening once more for good measure, I used my left foot to close the door and my free hand to lock it.

"Wow, ya'll can still smell the fresh paint of this place, mighty fine work they did in here." He looked around, nodding his head at each architectural design of the house. "Y'know, ya'll are the first ones to stay here."

Stay here? Shouldn't he have meant to live here instead?

At his comment, Casey stood up and set his coloring book aside when he saw me approaching and signaled at him that we had food. We located a breakfast bar attached to the kitchen that separated it from the living room and began to chow down.

"That your brother, missy?" Sheriff Rusty pointed to Casey.

As we situated in our seats, I introduced Casey as my younger brother to the Sheriff and they both exchanged pleasantries. 

"Thank you very much for the burgers!" We said gratefully to the Sheriff, with mouths full of food. I knew better than to speak with my mouthful but c'mon, it felt like we hadn't eaten in years. Not to mention whatever place he went to, the burgers were amazing!

"You're very welcome, kids," he said warmly, albeit distracted as his eyes continued to scan around. "Enjoy! Now, if ya'll excuse me, let me take a look around and just check on things here. I wanna make sure the windows are closed and such."

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