The Party. (Bebe & Penny)

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INT. Bebe's house, night

The sounds of conversation, yelling, and laughter fill the room as Penny pushes through a crowd of classmates.

"This is getting to be a little out of hand for a 4th grader's Halloween party..." Penny mutters aloud, knowing that no one cares to listen right now but herself.

She manages to pull her eyes away from her other peers, spotting Bebe.

"Oh— There you are!" Penny shouts, running as best she can up to her friend, "where the hell have you been?"

Bebe stares blankly at her for a second, then bursts into laughter. "Hey bitch!" She says playfully, putting her arm around Penny, "how are ya liking the party?"

This only makes Penny all the more confused.

"Uhm..." Penny tries to figure out a way to ask her, before spotting the red solo cup in her hand. "What's in that punch, Bebe?"

"Hm?" She asks, obliviously, looking down at the cup, "Oh, this? Uh, you know, just the usual."

"What's 'the usual'?"

"Like, Hawaiian Punch, and pineapple juice and stuff."

"No alcohol?" Penny tries to pry the answer out of Bebe.

"Whhhaaatttt?!" Bebe asks, looking at her friend incredulously, "are you kidding? I wouldn't give every kid in our grade punch if I knew that there was alcohol in it;" she continues, "I'd keep it all for myself!"

"So you didn't put anything in this punch besides punch-ey things?"

"Nope!" Bebe smiles at her, "scouts honor!"

Penny sighs.

"Look!" She points at Stan, "he's had, like, 13 cups and he's totally fine!"

Penny looks over to Stan, who is absolutely decimated. (probably from the likes of vodka.)

"Yeah, that's all the evidence I need," Penny says, turning her head back to face Bebe again. "Anyone come into this party with anything suspicious on hand?"

Bebe thinks.

"Well, Kenny came in with a backpack on, but we checked it and didn't find anything suspicious."

"I see..."

"Yeah, just A TON of vodka."

Penny is caught off guard by this. "Wha-?! why would you let him in with that on him?!"

Bebe looks somewhat offended by her friend's comment. "Well, sorrr-rryy! If he wants to drink all that, I don't see why we should be restricting him!"

Penny puts her face in one palm and uses the other to push Bebe, who is still holding onto her, away.

"Wait a minute..." Bebe says, "you don't think that... Kenny spiked the punch?!" The look of genuine shock on her face is too convincing to be fake.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I think!" Penny responds, anger lacing her voice.

"Woah...." Bebe adds, slowly bringing the cup back up to her mouth.

Penny slaps the cup out of her hand, "Stop drinking that!"

"Oh— right, sorry."

"Hold on..." Penny walks over to the kitchen counter and jumps up on it.

"HEY EVERYBODY!" She yells, getting the attention she needed from everyone in the house, "PARTY'S OVER! GO BACK HOME!"

The sounds of collective groaning fill the room.

"Yeah, whatever, get the hell out!" Penny hops back down off the countertop and walks over to Bebe, who is heading towards the door.

She grabs the back of Bebe's shirt. "Not you; this is your house, remember?"

"Oh... right."

"Okay, everyone's going, let's get you to bed..." Penny looks around the trashed house, "...there's gonna be a lot of explaining to do with your parents when they get home."

She looks back over to Bebe, who immediately bursts into tears, pulling Penny into a hug, crying something about how much she loves her.

Penny reluctantly accepts the hug. "Jesus Christ, how much punch did you drink...?" She mutters to herself, again, knowing that herself is the only person who cares to listen.

"Like..." Bebe manages to say between sniffles, "6 cups... or something..."

Herself and Bebe as it turns out.

"Okay, come on then, your bedroom— let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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