Chapter Nineteen

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Marinette eyed the clock on the wall of the classroom and quietly grabbed her backpack. The day had gone pretty smoothly thus far. She had yet to talk to Adrien, and had kept fairly busy. So far no one had confronted her about her break-up – not that it was anyone's business – but people were pretty weird about anything to do with Chat Noir. Something about him being a public figure. As Ladybug she knew it came with the territory.

She had talked to the teacher ahead of time about the internship and as she silently made her way to the door of the classroom made eye contract with her, the teacher nodding her approval. She was about to exit the classroom when every phone in the room buzzed and Marinette paused in horror. Slowly the students checked their notification as the teacher tried to get their attention. Some laughed, some raised their eyebrows, but many gave Marinette an angry look. Some were glaring, some gave her a sympathetic gaze.

"Is it true? Did you and Chat break up?" A student asked.

Marinette froze, surprised that they had found out so quickly. She hadn't really told anyone so how could they have found out so quickly???

"Hey don't you think that is none of your business?!" Alya retorted.

The student glared at Alya, who narrowed her eyes defensively.

Marinette was silently grateful for her friend, and looked around the classroom looking for Adrien's gaze which looked equally as shocked. His eyes seemed to say; 'I'm sorry.'

She shook her head with disapproval, and then left the room. Of-course Chat – or Adrien – would have let it slip. He was the one who had started their relationship in the first place by saying that she was his "girl friend", why wouldn't he have let this slip as well?

She was surprised to ever have trusted him. Which was a big problem as they still had to work together. Marinette tried to leave the school as quickly as possible. She raced down the steps as she heard someone call her name.

"Hey Marinette wait up!"

She turned around only to find it was Adrien of all people. She shook her head angrily as she watched him run after her down the steps. She saw his agility as he was able to get down the stairs and remembered who he really was. "What do you want?"

"I-I just wanted to say that, was it Ladybug who told you?"

She narrowed her eyes. "What?!"

"Like about who Chat Noir really is. Is that how you found out?" Her irritation grew as she saw he was in earnest. He was really being serious.

"Is that all you really wanted to say? I have to go." He put a hand on her shoulder to stop her as she turned to leave.

"I'm sorry that people found out about the break-up. But I swear I didn't tell anybody." Adrien said.

Marinette glared at him. "Did Chat?!"

Adrien shook his head. "No."

"Then how-

"Someone must've overheard... our fight."

It was the first time Adrien was admitting to her his alternative identity and her heart softened for a moment. It was nice to have someone to talk to about this stuff rather than just keeping it all to herself and Tikki.

"Alright. Fine, I believe you. It was probably going to come out at one point or another. It just sucks it had to happen this way." Marinette sighed.

"Yeah. I'm just sorry that people are entirely blaming you when there are two people in this situation. It's not just you." Adrien said.

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