That night at the Slytherin table was tense. There were angry looks from all of the other houses. Our friend group were the only ones that had known for a fact Draco had changed from his trauma. He had changed for the better. While there were times he could still be a little brisk and aggressive he was our Draco and we loved him. I loved him. His absence was killing me.

   "If he thinks he can run off and join his dad again he's got another thing coming. If they bring Voldemort back Harry will just kill him again." Ron Weasley said walking up behind me.

   "Don't start Ronny!" Quincey began.

   "Don't you start Quince. I've got a right mind to tell your mum you've been hanging out with a bad lot already. Bloody bad enough you weren't a Gryffindor." Ron snapped.

   "Whatever your business is here Ronald, we want nothing to do with it." I sneered.

   "All I'm saying is we know for a fact that bastard Draco ran away from home to join the deatheaters again!" Ron continued. His friends stood silently behind him. They're arms folded with self righteous expressions masking their faces as if they were all in agreement.

   "You don't even know him Weasel!" Blaise snarled back at him.

   "Maybe we should take this elsewhere?" Lynette asked. I glanced around and saw the majority of the dining hall staring at us.

  "Fine by me!" I snapped. I immediately felt guilty for snapping at her. Ron was getting on my nerves and I didn't mean to take it out on Lyn. I stood up and walked out of the hall. Ron hot on my heels and our individual friends groups close behind.

   "You need to watch your mouth Weasley!" I said whirling around at him once we reached the outside courtyard.

   "Oh that's bloody brilliant coming from you!" Ron shouted. The rest of our crowd finally joining us.

   "What's that supposed to mean?!" I shout back.

   "We all know Draco is a deatheater. We knew before you! He ran off to join them again!" He snapped. His friends were nodding silently, it just ticked me off more.

   "You don't know him. You don't know him at all, he was forced to do those things! They would've killed him!" I screamed at him.

    "I don't like where this is going." I heard Lynette say timidly to Blaise. They all just watched Ron and I scream at each other.

   "Like you were forced to kill that neighborhood of muggles? We know that was you! Maybe the deatheaters will kill him! One less nasty Slytherin around!"

   "Like your damn father?! One less bloody Weasley around is that it!?" I snapped back. I didn't even see him raise his hand. However the crack of his palm against my cheek silenced everything. It was like everything started moving in slow motion. Ron pulled out his wand and I switched into my animagus form. He looked up and stumbled back, his face contorted in horror. As he stumbled he tripped over his feet and landed on his arse. I stomped towards him as our friend groups stepped back. Placing one of my scaled feet on his chest, careful not to crush him, I lean my heavy horned head down and let out a guttural roar in his face baring my teeth.

     "Don't do it Morrigan!" Lynette screamed. She had taken several steps forward in a rush as if unsure of my actions.

    "He's not worth it!" Harry shouted. I transformed back my foot still planted firmly on Ron's chest.

   "Keep your fucking hands off me Weasley." I growled before stomping off back into the castle. Hermione and Harry both rushed over to help him up. I could feel Ron glaring daggers into my back.

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