New Friends

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    I can honestly say that sharing a bath with Draco wasn't the most scandalous thing I'd ever done. Back in the muggle world I went to a plain, quite boring high school, there I made my first friend, Chloe. Chloe and I were always up to mischief and shenanigans. One time we had stolen the mens swimteam's clothing from the locker room and strung them up the flag pole, another time we had gone skinny dipping in her uncle's pond.

   I pulled my self from my past memories, the few good ones I should say, and hurriedly made my way back to the dormitory. Once there I was able to grab a pouch of galleons that Headmistress had given me. It was weird to me that the wizarding world had a whole different currency than the world I grew up in, though it took me no time at all to learn it completely.

   I made my way out of the castle towards the small village like town that held the pub, Draco and I shared a meal at. I wandered the dusty cobblestone streets looking for a clothing store. I was getting quite tired of wearing robes on the days other students were allowed to wear plain clothes. Even Draco didn't wear his robes all the time, though he kept himself in our house colors of green or black.

   I caught sight of a curly head of hair that I knew to be Hermione. She was talking to Luna Lovegood, another student I had the pleasure of meeting in one of my classes.

   "Excuse me Hermione, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but you could point me towards a clothing store? I miss my jeans and t-shirts."  I asked politely.

    "Of course! Luna and I were headed just headed to Gladrags Wizardwear, join us will you?" Hermione replied.

   "Thank you!" I said enthusiastically.

   "Morrigan, have you read the paper recently? A powerful wizard was captured by the Ministry after blowing up a muggle neighborhood." Luna commented passing a folded newspaper to me.

    I took it and opened it to have the color nearly drain from my face. It was my old neighborhood. I watched as the front picture shifted from the aerial view to a blurry image of myself curled into a ball. Thankfully my face wasn't shown. Weirdly enough I remember the flashing of cameras that were all but shoved into my face. I have to thank Mcgonagall, true to her word there wasn't any mention of me at all in the article.

   "H-how terrible, I wonder what happened." I stammered. My heart was hammering in my chest.

    "I suspect it was one of Voldemort's last loyal followers trying to make a scene. Of course since Harry killed him last year we haven't had much to worry about but it does cause a need for concern. Why attack muggles?" Luna continued. Meanwhile Hermione was searching my face for something.

  Quickly pulling myself together I nodded. I handed her back her newspaper and acted as if nothing were wrong.

   "It's strange that there wasn't a photo or even a name for the wizard they captured." Hermione said still leading us to the clothing shop.

   "Indeed, have they actually caught them or is it just another one of Rita Skeeter's ploys to bring them out in the open?" Luna mused. I nodded along with their conversation, hoping it would end soon. My palms were getting sticky with sweat, but I didn't dare wipe them on my robes.

   "Maybe Harry will have to stop another uprising, flush out the loyals to Voldemort. Though there are some students here I wouldn't mind seeing taken away. Oh look we're here." Hermione stated.

   I wondered what students she meant but let it go as soon as we entered the shop. Inside were racks of robes, skirts, pants, and anything else that might catch your fancy. Towards the back of the shop was what I was looking for, the muggle section.

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