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"what happened? how did you get lost here?" tnya lelaki misteri itu smbil meletakkan semangkuk sup di atas meja.

aku cuma menunduk tidak punya selera untuk menjamah apa ii. tngnku masih lg mengigil kesejukan. kenapa aku boleh bertindak segila itu?

bagiku , dia tidak patut buat begitu pada Elena tp dia seakan layak menerima itu.

ah shit what should i do now?

"Did you just murder someone?"

My whole body is shivering. How could he knows?

I look at him terrified. he seems chill.

"i..i..didnt..mean it.."

"you didnt mean it..? huh..who do you killed?"

"m-my..friend..he..he was..my..close..friend.."

"i see..so thats why youre running away?"

"y-yes..im scared that they will..bu-burn me alive.."

Lelaki di hadapanku cuma menangguk perlahan seolah dia memahami aku. dia tidak cuak kah yg aku bru lepas bunuh orng?

but bila difikirkan balik , he seems like a mysterious person..what if..

he murdered more than me?

who tf built a house deep in the forest? why?

whatt was the reason?

"dont be scared..i wont cook you and turn you into one of my collection..Im just an ordinary guy who likes to live in the forest.."

How tf he knew what im thinking? IS HE READING MY MIND NOW?

Its scary as fuck. im starting to feel something really off about this guy.

He looks at me with a smile. oh god..

i need to get out from here.

"anyways , rest..i know youre tired..theres a bed you can sleep there..the dinner will get done soon..dont worry , you can trust me."

i hope so.


aku terus pusing ke belakang cemas. WHOS VOICE IS THAT? and where tf am i?

aku kehairanan amat. everything is dark..sekeliling aku gelap tp aku masih bole nampak samar ii sekeliling aku. bru aku sedar , ada air bertakung smpai paras buku lali aku. aku tk tahu kat mana..

aku mimpi kah?

atau ini realiti?

suddenly leher aku meremang buatkan aku refleks memegang leherku. shit..aku slowly pusing ke belakang tp tak ada orng.

its literally..just me..

"where am i? show yourself!" aku beranikan diri memanggil even aku tk tahu siapa yg sedng perhatikan aku sekrng ni.

Tiba ii sepasang tngn sejuk mulai memeluk leher dan dadaku dri belakang. badanku terus membatu dan sekelip mata , satu hembusan nafas yg hangat menyentuh kulitku.




From the way this person hugging me , its probably a man. a man..why? why hes hugging me?

I can feel his cold rough hand touching my face.

"I miss you..My Lord."

His voice..

Aku buka mataku dengan nafas yg tercungap ii. segera aku bangkit dari katil trsebut dlm keadaan terpinga ii dan cemas. dadaku yg telah bergoncang kuat itu dipegang agar kembali tenang. ah shit what kind of dream is that?

"You finally awake! you've been sleeping from morning.."

Aku terkejut seketika bila lelaki yg tolong aku td tegur. dia meletakkan sepinggan daging yg baru selesai dibakar itu. sedapnya bau..

"come..eat with me..Youre lucky today.." ajaknya ramah sekali. aku bangun dri situ lalu perlahan ii menarik kerusi di hadapannya. lelaki itu cuma trsenyum nipis padaku.

aku still tk tahu nama dia.

entahlah..aku takut nak percayakan orang , apatah lg lelaki misteri yg tinggal seorng diri dlm hutan belantara ni..

i dont know..something is off about him..but hes kind..

he let me stay. he let a stranger like me come inside his house..

"Why dont you eat? dont worry i dont put any poison..look!" Lelaki itu menyuapkan potongan daging trsebut ke dlm mulutnya. aku sudah terliur kelaparan.

"Eat how much you want."

Rezeki depan mata dah , ratah jelah. asalkan perut tk kosong dan diri terseksa.

"My name is Arlott.."

"just Arlott?"

"yes! haha..i dont have last name.." balasnya dngn tawa kecil. Aku cuma menangguk perlahan smbil tunduk. kenyang wee lega rasanya.

sedikit sebanyak aku berterima kasih kt Arlott. mujur dia nk biarkan aku stay kt rumah dia even aku tahu , orng mcm dia aint no way suka stranger mcm aku jejak kaki kt rumah dia.

"so Sean , how..did you end up killing your friend?"

Aku sedikit terkejut dngn pertnyaan itu tp mesti dia curious kan mcm mana aku bole end up buat kerja gila mcmtu..

aku un jujur tak tahu kenapa aku bole bertindak luar kawalan mcmtu.

"I lost control.."

"you lost control?"

"yea..he..wanted to sex with a girl that i liked.."

Arlott angkat kening kemudian dia angguk faham.

"so..you wanted to protect and save her?"

"yes..but..she ran away..i dont know what to do..so i just ran away as fast as i could.." luahku dngn nada yg bergetar. entahlah aku rasa panik bila tringat hal tu. rasa nak menangis balik pun ada. sumpah aku tk sengaja..sumpah aku tk sedar langsung waktu tu..

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