The issue now is that Naruto has no idea where they are or where he's going. All he knows is that they need to get away from that guy no matter the cost. For all Kurama is trying to heal him, Naruto can still feel the prickles in his stomach. That asshat did something to his seal, and the fact that he can feel Kurama as clearly as he can is proof of that.

It's not easy fighting through underbrush when you're as short as Naruto is. Yeah, he's coming out and he's saying it. He's... still growing. He's not pathetically small, he just isn't tall and that's totally fine. Totally normal. He's tall for his age! Almost! 

Plants don't grow well under the heavy canopy within the Land of Fire, but they grow enough, that's for damn sure. Naruto lugs Shikamaru a little higher when his head lolls again and his body sags, his feet starting to drag and give out. May as well have just left him in the genjutsu and fireman carried him, honestly.

"This is ass. This is ass, this is ass, this is ass." Naruto hissed, more to himself than to Shikamaru, who was literally the worst company ever right now. Maybe he'd slapped him too hard? "Shikamaru's like, dying. I'm dying. It's raining, I have no idea where I--"

"Left! Go left!" Kurama's irritated voice rumbled through his head, bringing him to a complete stand still. Naruto blinked. He couldn't see it, but he got the impression that Kurama was blinking too. "What the hell? Why'd he stop?"

Was this his official descent into insanity? It might be his official descent into insanity, believe it. Maybe... he's not asleep, is he? What if he never truly escaped the genjutsu and is actually still in it, and the guy just made him think he woke up? That was possible, right?

But no. No, that pain had been real. Kurama's chakra had been real. You couldn't fake a tailed beast-- Naruto was certain of that much. But then... then... the seal? Was it because of the seal? That man had done something to it, had probably been trying to take it off.

And if he'd succeeded even just a little bit? Would that-- that could totally open a window for Kurama to talk to him through, right? Or was that too good to be true?

Slowly, Naruto started to turn towards the left. The direction looked the same as all the others did, endless trees, too dimly lit to know if there was a bear lurking waiting to murder them. Brown bears were common around here, right? Were those the ones where you ran or the ones where you played dead?

"...Kurama?" Naruto asked hopefully. Because the idea of communicating with Kurama outside of sleep, out in the real world, it was... "Are you... you said to go left?" 

"You can hear me?" Kurama sounded just as astonished as Naruto felt, and Naruto felt a wave of disbelief that wasn't his own rocket through the warmth in his chakra pathways. It made him shiver a little. "The seal."

There was realization in his voice, along with a heavy growl. Naruto took a deep breath.

He had no idea what the seal being loose, or partially taken off, meant. He had no idea what it did or if it was a good or a bad thing. But he could hear Kurama, and that meant... it meant he wasn't alone. It meant he had someone who could direct him.

Naruto is clever for his age. Smart, even, if he's to believe his dad's gushing, his mom's awe, and Kakashi's praises over his graded papers. But this? This is new, and that man is dangerous, and Naruto is going to be real with you for a second. 

He has absolutely no idea what the fuck to do in this situation aside from the very obvious reaction of running the hell away.

"Yeah. Yeah, I-I think so." Naruto nodded rapidly, unable to stop the grin starting to stretch at his lips. It wasn't good, but this-- this wasn't bad, either. Kurama was never bad. "Holy crap! Kurama, I can totally hear you! Like, in my head, and I'm totally awake, believe it!" 

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