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"HURRY UP" yelled a prisoner in the cell on the floor above Izuku's yelled in the hole through the floor, the alarms blaring.


"GOT IT" the other prisoner yelled in response. Izuku, hearing the ok from the prisoner began to charge up One for All, punching upward.

The hole in the floor was widened to the the size of a person, the prisoner hopping down.

"No way..." muttered Toru.

"I have an idea to get us out of this. But I need you to be ready invisi-girl" the prisoner not acknowledging the surprise from Toru. "I know how quirks like yours work, I'll explain quickly but we only have a minute or two before the guards get here"


The guards on the elevator quickly loaded their rifles and pointed it at the door as the elevator came to a halt.

The doors slid open slowly and the second the guards had visuals on the hall in front of them they began to fire into the darkness, the lights having been shattered.

The shooting stopped for a moment as the guards scrambled to reload, but in the darkness a mature feminine voice simply projected "Now"

The guards pointed their guns back into the darkness about to start firing before a blinding light went off in front of the elevator, the guards putting their hands up to protect against the flash.

Hawks spectated from the camera room watching the entire elevator light up a bright white, gunshots ringing out. But not the same shots from the guards rifles, no.

Hawks watched as one of the guards fell backwards, his brains painting the guards behind him, but the light didn't stop, they couldn't see and if they put their hands down to shoot back they would almost surely go completely blind.

Hawks sat in a dread filled shock staring at the red covered elevator, watching as Izuku Midoriya stepped into the elevator, followed by...

Lady Nagant

"Shit..." Hawks muttered to himself scrambling to his feet and went to the window of the building overlooking the courtyard of the prison.


Hawks stared down the 2 prisoners and floating clothes at the doors to the courtyard. Nagant aiming her rifle arm at Hawks's head.

"Look, Nagant. I'm willing to let you go but I can NOT let Midoriya go yet. There's something much bigger at play and I need him here to stop it from happening" Hawks said to Nagant. "The commission has people on every side of every conflict on the planet, regardless of national borders and limitations. If you take Midoriya you will have people after you no matter where you go"

"Not buying it" said Nagant frowning, refusing to lower her arm. "Sorry about this"

In an instant Hawks was on the ground, a hole in the side of his neck. Nagant lowered her arm, walking over to the hero who was gasping for air, his face scrunched in absolute agony.

"Except I'm not" she said, spitting on his face and stepping over him.
"You two with me" she called, snapping her fingers.

"Y-you idi- *cough* idiot. I'm not the*cough cough*..." Hawks wheezed and couldn't continue talking as he tried to breathe

He watched as his vision began to blur, Midoriya and the floating clothing running to Nagant as she barked instructions. But Midoriya hesitated, as he slowed to a walk, then a shuffle, and finally a stop. Right over Hawks.

"You're lucky I'm a good person, otherwise you'd be dead" he said into Hawks' ear and pressed the panic button on his commission earpiece before following the two.

Hawks' vision went black and the last thing he heard before he passed out was the sound of a wall crumbling and an alarm going off, prisoners cheering and cops around him shouting as he drifted off into unconsciousness.


Toru looked back at the prison as the trio fled into the backwoods, watching as quirks fired off in excess and hearing the screams of cops unlucky enough to be on shift.

She shook her head and turned forward again, trying not to think about how many lives they had taken by freeing the other prisoners to stall the commission from sending people after them.

"Look alive you two, in about two miles we're gonna come out on the west side of Hosu, we need to get to 144 west 82nd st, there are people there who can help us"

Sorry for disappearing for so long hehe

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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