
Start from the beginning

Adrien just stared at her in disbelief that she talked to him in such a way. He clenched his fists angrily and stomped off, muttering a 'whatever', under his breath.

Luka and Marinette could only shake their heads in disappointment at his behavior.

"Attention, everyone!" Chris shouts, pulling Celine to the front of the stairs for the hotel lobby. "Quit your partying and listen to a song MY Celine," He shoots Marc and Nathaniel a smug look.

In return, they both gave him cold glares.

"Made for you guys for New Year's Eve. Then we'll go up to the roof and watch some fireworks. Be prepared for your ears to be blessed by Celine's heavenly singing, and you'd BETTER be recording!" Chris gave the teen crowd a glare before stepping off to the side.

Celine clears her throat, grabbing the mic on the stand. "I hope you like my singing. I made this song myself."

Sabrina, standing by a refreshment table, rolls her eyes and sips on her beverage.

Chris had to be joking, there was no way Celine could sing. She probably sounded like a dying dog-

"🎵Right now, I'm in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain't got no tears left to cry,🎵"

Sabrina's eyes widened at her rival's gorgeous voice. Well sh*t, she was wrong. D*mmit, she HATED being wrong!

As Celine continued to sing, the Raincomprix girl noticed everyone seemed to be enjoying it, including Chris! He just looked so smitten by that b*tch!

Like Adrien, Sabrina let her jealousy take over, and she began maneuvering her way through the crowd, pushing a couple teens out of her way to make it upfront where Celine was singing.

She looked at Nathaniel and Marc, seeing they were completely focused on Celine, which was exactly what she wanted.

Slowly inching her way closer to Celine, but sticking with the crowd to make sure she wasn't too close, Sabrina purposely tripped over her own feet, stumbling forward and losing grip of her yellow solo cup.

Celine, who was still happily singing, stopped to shriek when the liquid from Sabrina's cup splashed directly onto her outfit. Luckily, it was clear since it was Sprite.

Many teems gasped from this while Marc and Nathaniel instantly rushed to their girlfriend.

"Celine!!" They frantically checked her over.

"Are you alright?" Nathaniel asked her with great concern.

"I'm fine," Celine replies quietly.

"Omg!" Sabrina gives the Gomez-Agreste girl a mock look of empathy. "I'm so sorry, Celine. Someone pushed me forward and before I know it, this happened! I'm SO sorry."

"Save your stupid apology, Sabrina!" Chris barrelled towards her with a bitter expression. "How dare you be so clumsy?!"

Sabrina stared at him, taken aback by him blaming her. "What?"

"You heard me! Because of you being such a klutz, you interrupted Celine's singing! Even at a party, you can't do anything right?!" Chris continues to yell at her.

Sabrina wanted to shrink right then and there, and upon noticing some people were recording prior before she did her little scheme since they were filming Celine, she wanted to disappear out of shame.

Instead of her embarrassing Celine, SHE ended up humiliating herself and also unintentionally succeeding in getting her crush mad at her.

All because of jealousy.

"Just get out! You've already embarrassed yourself enough!" Chris yells at her.

Without saying anything, Sabrina nodded and did her walk of shame towards the exit with tears in her eyes.

Looks like she didn't think things through.


Later on, after Sabrina left, Chris took everyone up to his hotel's roof to watch the stunning fireworks for New Year's Eve.

Later on, after Sabrina left, Chris took everyone up to his hotel's roof to watch the stunning fireworks for New Year's Eve

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"Take pictures while you can. I personally had the fireworks prepared." Chris proclaims proudly, sitting down at the front while everyone else was in the back.

The teens smiled in awe as they watched the fireworks while some recorded.

Adrien glanced at Luka and Marinette in the corner of his eye, only to see them snuggled up to one another, peering at the light show in the sky. He gritted his teeth and turned away.

In the far back, Celine watches the fireworks with her boyfriends, blushing at how they were rubbing her thighs.

She gave them both quick, but sweet kisses before continuing to watch the fireworks, holding their hands.

This was the best night ever.

Word Count: 1,112


(ChanelPradaGirl: Celine's outfit for the New Year's Eve party

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(ChanelPradaGirl: Celine's outfit for the New Year's Eve party.)

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