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5. Entering the town.

Cheng Yun tried to persuade Yang Hongjin by all means necessary and finally convinced him to stay home obediently.

Aunt Wang carried some vegetables to sell in town, not a lot, and Cheng Yun helped to carry some, making the load even lighter.

On the way, Aunt Wang told Cheng Yun about some things in town. "If we go to the market, we must go early in the morning. We can't be lazy. Although we sell some vegetables that we grow at home and nothing special, some wealthy families in town don't grow them, and there are restaurant kitchens that come to town to buy them every day. What we sell is fresh, and we can always sell them if we wait a little longer."

Cheng Yun nodded, but his mind wasn't on selling vegetables. Making money this way was just too slow, but it didn't hurt to know the market.

"Do they sell seeds in town?" Cheng Yun asked. "Besides the ones you gave me yesterday, I want to see if there are any other kinds of seeds."

"Yes, there is," Aunt Wang said. "There's a seed shop on the east side with a lot of varieties. Some seeds can't be planted now, but you can buy them cheaply. There's also a chicken and duck shop next door where you can buy some and raise them in your backyard. They're not expensive."

Cheng Yun remembered everything and when they got to town, Aunt Wang took the lead to find a spot to sell her vegetables. After she finished selling, she also planned to do some shopping in town. So Cheng Yun decided to buy some seeds first and then go around on his own before meeting up with Aunt Wang later.

In the early morning, there weren't many people in town yet, but the shops had already opened for business. Following Aunt Wang's advice, Cheng Yun went to the seed shop first and bought some cabbage seeds. He then spent one penny to ask the shopkeeper for one of each seed variety, enduring the strange look the shopkeeper gave him.

Next, he went to the chicken and duck shop next door and looked around to learn about the prices. A chick cost only two pennies, and he would have to rely on luck to get either a male or female. A grown male chicken cost twenty pennies, while a female chicken cost fifteen pennies, which surprised Cheng Yun.

He remembered the prices and didn't rush to buy. After walking around town, more people had come out, and some vendors were already shouting out their prices. He found Aunt Wang's stall, and in less than an hour, she had sold most of her things. When Cheng Yun arrived, a woman had just bought the last of her vegetables. Aunt Wang happily closed her stall and said, "Xiao Cheng, you're my lucky charm. We sold out so early today. Come, let's go shopping together."

Just now, Aunt Wang was preoccupied with setting up her stall and forgot to tell Cheng Yun some things about the town. She was afraid that this kid didn't know anything and would be cheated by others. Now she sees that Cheng Yun has come back empty-handed, except for a small bag of seeds. She breathed a sigh of relief but also felt that this child was clever.

Cheng Yun helped Aunt Wang carry the empty basket and asked, "I just checked the chicken stall you mentioned earlier. How come the hens, which can lay eggs, are cheaper than the roosters?"

"I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid you would be fooled," Aunt Wang said. "The hens sold in the market are all old hens that cannot lay many eggs anymore. Hens are lazier than roosters, and their meat is not as firm as that of roosters. They do not taste as good as roosters, so ordinary people do not buy hens."

Cheng Yun understood and asked some questions he did not know. With the help of Aunt Wang, he bargained with the vendors and bought some chicks and ducklings, totaling ten for eight wen.

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