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It is an ordinary day, unlike no other. Golden beams of sun shine over the top of Wall Maria. They reach all the way through the glass panes of your Tudor house.

Your limbs spread in every direction, getting a good stretch before you rise off of your mattress.  Your fingers glide up the buttons of your shirt, and you pull a tweed skirt out of a pile in a basket. You quickly step into it, and fasten yourself in. It just barely reaches your upper calf. You shrug. You don't fuss about petticoats or anything, it's like people take you seriously anyway. You're dirt poor.

You walk the wall of the room to your baby brother, Alf. You plant a kiss on his forehead. He tosses over.


"It's okay. I'll be back, I just have to gather breakfast."

"Not without the song."

"Alright fine, just once."

You reach under the cover and give him your hand. His fingers curl around yours.

"If you find it's me you're missing
If you're hoping I'll return
To your thoughts I'll soon be listening
In the road I'll stop and turn," you sing softly.

"Will you join me, Alfie?" You ask him. He nods.

"Then the wind will set me racing
As my journey nears its end
And the path I'll be retracing
When I'm homeward bound again." You smile at him.

You stand to leave, but he doesn't let go of your hand. "Just a little more sissy, this my favorite part."

"Bind me not to the pasture;
Chain me not to the plow
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow."

His stomach growls. You take the basket by his bed, and place your arms through the straps.

"I have to go now. I'll be right back, I just have to take some vegetables from the garden nearby. When you get older, I'll take you with me."

"Really?" His eyes widen out of excitement.

You nod and walk to the front door. You carefully shut it behind you, leaving the volume of its creak to a bare minimum.

The forenoon wind feels good against your exposed legs. The breeze runs through the ends of your (H/C) hair. Your feet clobber the brick road. They make a feint stepping sound, but not enough to disturb the village. As you walk, you can already hear children playing, their laughter gently breaks the silent air. You turn the corner and continue walking until you find the local gardener's house.

You shuffle your feet to the nearby building. Your eyes focus on a rope. You untie the ribbon from your hair and wrap it around your palms to protect them from what you are about to do.

You take a few steps back and charge yourself toward the wall. You make it about four big paces up, and catch the dangling rope. You hoist yourself up slowly with your ribboned hands. You reach your foot to a window frame below you, and catch your breath.

It never gets easier, you think to yourself.

You kick up from the window and swing yourself onto the roof. You crouch and scout the other side for people. It looks like you are in the clear. You drop down from the building, rolling over your shoulder to dampen your fall.

You stuff your basket with potatoes and carrots, leaving enough in the garden to not draw any suspicion. You scale the 8 foot brick wall and use your hand to push yourself over into a nearby alley.

You look through it.

Too many people.

You decide it's safer to go the extra distance through the sketchy side of town to make sure that you don't get caught with your stolen goods.

You hum to yourself as you walk.

A sudden explosion sends you and your vegetables flying into the air and out onto the next street. A loud boom is heard, and smoke and can be seen to your right. Villagers all around scream in terror.

You bring yourself to your feet and look up to see what is the matter.


A red meaty forehead peeks over 60 meters in the air just above Wall Maria.

A stampede of your fellow neighbors rush past you, but you only have one thought on your mind. Alfie.

You run against the wall of villagers in the direction of your house.

I told him I'd be right back. I have to go get him.

You try to keep your eyes off of the carnage around you. You stop at the end of your street. Big scary beasts surround your crumbled house. Before you could take another step, a muscular arm wrapped in a brown tweed military jacket stops you.

"You have to leave. Immediately!"

"Out of the way, pig! My brother is in there!"
You push his arm away.

You run past him. You collapse on your knees at the debris you once called a house. You throw giant boulders over your shoulder, scrambling to find your baby brother.

"Alfie!" You scream.

You push through concrete and wooden beams. Your heart drops when you feel warm red liquid cover your knees.

You hear footsteps approaching.

"I'm here, Alfie!!" You screech.

You see a soft limp hand and you tug at it, pushing rubble away as the body move toward you. You sob uncontrollably as you hold his lifeless body to your chest. His insides stain your dirty blouse.

Your vision gets blurry from all the liquid leaving your tear ducts. You wipe away as much as you can to look down at him. He must've been crushed by the impact of the house.

"S-set me free," you choke back tears, "to find my calling... an-and I'll return to you again." You cry.

"We have to leave now, young lady. Come on."

You look behind you. The same soldier from reaches his hand out to you.

"Leave me be!!" You scream at him.
"Let me die. I can't leave him!!!!"

Bang. Bang. Bang. The earth vibrates below you. You look up and see an ugly 7 meter monster running towards you.

The soldier hoists you over his shoulder, you don't protest, but refuse to let your brother go. He runs as fast as he can and hands you off to someone who looks a lot stronger.

He turns around and draws his blades. Before he can even take a step, a large fist falls from the sky and squashes him like a bug.

Bile leaves your stomach as you watch the horrific scene. You cradle your brothers head, and tighten your grip on him.

The new blonde soldier sets you down by a trio of kids. You recognize one of them. A blonde boy who you've spoken to a few times. He's always been super kind to you. He stands next to a girl in a crimson scarf, and a boy who can only be grieving. He seems to be in as much emotional turmoil as you. The second soldier practically pushes all of you onto a huge ship.

What the fuck is going to happen to us?

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