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+82 3738923347

i haven't heard from jisung since wednesday. it's sunday. i saw his story on instagram

+82 3738923347

are you seriously keeping him from me?

+82 3738923347

you know how much i need him

+82 3738923347

you dick

+82 3738923347

i hate you

+82 3738923347

why are you doing this?

+82 3738923347

why are you trying to ruin my life again?

+82 3738923347

he's my best friend, you can't just steal him from me

+82 3738923347

you're sick

+82 3738923347

so fucking sick

+82 3738923347

i haven't eaten much since jisung hasn't been by to make me.

+82 3738923347

i feel like trash

+82 3738923347

i'm back to being pale, it's worse then before

+82 3738923347

this is your fault.

+82 3738923347

thank you for ruining me all over again.

delivered at 9:21 am

read at 7:54 pm

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