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+82 3738923347

i went to the uni today for the first time since we broke up

+82 3738923347

it was hard, being there in a place that reminds me of you. jisung was there for me though, as much as i didn't want him to be. he caught me up and he took me out for food during lunch.

+82 3738923347

i saw you. and him. together. you look happy, happier then with me

+82 3738923347

how can you love him?

+82 3738923347
how do you love somebody else when i'm fucking suffering seo changbin?

+82 3738923347

how can you just leave me here suffering why you play a happy boyfriend with him? how can you just treat me like we meant nothing? like i meant nothing?

+82 3738923347

jisung saw me glaring and told me his name was yang jeongin and that he was a freshman in our uni. you're a dick. a real big fucking dick, seo changbin

+82 3738923347

i want to hate you, i really want to hate you.. but i can't.

+82 3738923347

why do i still love you even after all this time?

+82 3738923347

i saw jeongin in the bathroom and he commented on my freckles, told me how "pretty" they were.

+82 3738923347

i hate him. i really fucking hate him. i don't have a reason to and yet i still hate him.

+82 3738923347

it's been 2 months. 2 months

+82 3738923347

i don't think i'll be coming back to uni, at least not now. i'll take my work online if it means i don't have to see you two all cuddly together.

delivered at 9:51 pm

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