The Last Wish

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I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog, Puss in Boots or anything else that is featured in this chapter aka Music and Images. They all belong to their respective owners, the material used here is made out of respect, entertainment and fun for readers who are more than curious.

Enjoy the Chapter
Wishing Star:


All of their attention turned to the floor, the star was cracking and they were all on top of it. They knew now there was no time to stay and chat, they all ran while Sonic continued to fly.

The star began falling apart making it hard to get to safety, Perrito was grabbed by Puss making sure to not let the pup go. They got closer to the edge all of them jumping off landing onto the terrain below, Sonic landed near them still glowing bright upon landing on the ground ensuring everyone was safe, he turned back towards the star.

Jack slowly woke up he didn't understand what was going on, until he saw the star cracking beneath him. He knew immediately who was responsible, "What have you done?!"

He turned towards where everyone was as they stared back at him with emotions of anger displayed, Jack got up reaching out for the cliff managing to just barely grab hold of where the heroes stood, his smiled as he believed he would make it out and kill these pests.

Sonic then walked forward towards his hand looking down at Jack, as he also took note of the star still breaking. He then refocused back on the Baker Boy, who'd continuously proven to be horrible as he let his own goons be killed for his gain.

He even took note of something else he glossed over, there were unicorns pulling Jack's carriage and they were all missing their horns. His eyes widened as he now knew that Jack had cut off their horns, and had wasted them on his friends.

Jack however became worried as he felt his grip slowly slip, he had one more trick up his sleeve. "Hey porcupine! Let's have bygones be bygones and you pull me up, sound fair and I'll leave you all alone."

Sonic took in his words for all of two seconds, he was being dishonest. Sonic was very experienced with this situation and he knew the moment he did anything to help this person, it would all be flushed down the toilet.

With a sigh of dislike towards himself Sonic finally responded to Jack. "Y'know I'm usually the type of guy who gives anyone who is bad second chances, and that would've applied to you as well."

Jack gained a smile, however Sonic crossed his arms placing his foot on top of Jack's hand. "But you don't deserve a shred of anything from me. You've wasted your chances before I even gave them to you, not even someone as bad as my arch nemesis would even consider you worth it, cause even he had his standards with the way of evil.

"I think he'd be more than happy to team up with me than to ever affiliate with someone like you, without question and that's saying a lot coming from me." As Sonic continued Jack felt the pressure from Sonic's shoe, get stronger on his hand making him gasp in pain.

Sonic's frown grew as he continued. "And if you really want me to go even further, one of my friends who's the sweetest most innocent kid in the entire universe would probably want you gone. Cause you're a waste of space, the gum under the desk that teachers have to clean, the thorn in all of our sides, and I hope nothing more than for you to realise that you wasted your life on nothing.

"Cause the last thing that'll be on your mind isn't the wish, it isn't your victory, it isn't all the magic in the world... No. It'll be the faces of me and everyone else you messed with standing tall while you fall, as you have nothing left, everything stripped from you because of the greed that lives in you." Sonic's glare at this point pierced into Jack's soul.

Sonic x Puss in Boots: The Last WishWhere stories live. Discover now