5. Amsterdam, June 4th, 2023

Start from the beginning


Mans can play guitar

Rain <3, again

Some pictures:

Some pictures:

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There was also a 4 year old kid with his face painted like Papa's, it was adorable. That was some good parenting right there.

The new ghouls Phantom and Aurora did very well! I still missed Aether and Sunshine tho.

Also, Swiss was humping his mic stand.

A little funny story of what happened after the concert:

Important note for this part of the story: Harry Styles was performing in the venue next to Ghost's venue. So there were a lot of Harry Styles fans with pink hats everywhere and then there were some emo's/metalheads/goths/other alt people who were there to see Ghost haha.

While my friend and I were waiting on the bus, I showed her a video that I took of Dewdrop's guitar solo. A random blonde girl in a pink jacket asked me to show the video. And then she went: ''but that's not Harry Styles!'' From the way she looked I could tell that she did not go to the Ghost concert, so I thought it'd be funny to show her the video anyways. Dewdrop is indeed not Harry Styles. Or is he? I'm just saying that no one has ever seen them in the same room together.

She later started to ask us questions like she had never seen alt people before. I don't know where she lives but there must not be a lot of people there who wear black clothes, wear eyeliner and chockers, have piercings, or have dyed hair. Then, she decided to film us for her Snapchat like we were some sort of zoo animals lmao. We gave her permission to film us because we didn't really care but just imagine being so shocked by seeing alt looking people that you feel the need to put it on your Snapchat lmfao.

Okay that's it! I hope that you enjoyed that :)

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