Sorry, I'm Late...

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I was on my lunch break, taking a short cut and was about to cross the road when a delivery man, well idiot on a noisy scooter (like the ones when you're on holiday, 'twist & go' type) stopped at the side of me. He glanced down at my legs and then up to my chest making some lewd comments before riding off.

Excuse me! I was so angry that without a second thought my bag dropped to the ground and I sprinted after him. The guy on the scooter didn't notice as I drew alongside him matching his speed. I glanced over at the speedometer and we were coasting at 15mph, if I was wearing my trainers I could hit 19-21 mph, but this was no mean feat as I was wearing loafers. I intended to surprise him with my sprinting ability and of course, yelling at him! My inner voice had other ideas. In poured the mischievous thoughts.

Slowing my speed a little, I dropped back becoming level with the rear of the scooter. Underneath the food carry box, I noticed there was a handrail, reaching over I grabbed it with my right hand. My arm was at full stretch and I began to pull towards me, my bicep and forearm exploded with power from the initial resistance. My other hand then secured a tight grip and in perfect harmony, my muscles worked together and I started to slow the scooter down.

There was a notable change in the tone of the engine due to the resistance from my strength. The scooter pulled me for a short distance but the more strength I applied it gradually slowed and then came to a stop. The rear tyre continued to spin, screeching and bouncing as the machine tried to drive forward. No chance, I had a firm grip, a powerful stance and I wasn't even near my full potential. The guy was revving the scooter at full throttle but he didn't seem to have a clue that I was the reason why he wasn't moving. Even with the engine on full throttle I was coping quite comfortably and didn't find it too much of a challenge to hold this machine back. I shifted serious weight at the gym so was confident with my strength, but there were a few times when I got complacent and the scooter inched forward but I was still able to pull it back towards me like I was curling weights.

I glanced down and noticed a sticker on the back, It proudly boasted that the machine was a "turbo power boost" model, and it made me smile. Holding back this turbo-powered scooter It seemed a mismatch, to be honest, and didn't feel like a worthy opponent for me, but I felt amazing, I felt like Supergirl!

The rider kept looking down and to the side, he still seemed confused as he still didn't seem to realise the reason why his scooter wasn't moving. I released my left hand and banged on the food box with my fist trying to get his attention, (shit...first of all I was now holding back the scooter with one arm, which was even more awesome, but).. shit, I walloped the food-box a little too hard. My second swing hit the side of the food box and it broke & fell off. During my failed attempt to get his attention but my successful destructive left swipe, I did just catch a glance down at my right arm. At that particular moment, my right arm was solely responsible for stopping this 2 wheeled machine. Veins were popping out all over the place like a vascular road map, and I was so excited when I noticed I was starting to bend the grab rail. My grip strength was off the flipping scale! 

The revs were at their maximum now and the engine was straining and sounding like it was going to blow up. I was trying to look cool but couldn't hide my massive grin, It was such an awesome feeling being more powerful than this man-made pizza delivery machine. I was winning a tug of war against this puny machine, Mind you I'd seen them in Kavos normally carrying 5 blokes home after a night's clubbing let's not underestimate this feat.

The back wheel was still spinning, juddering and bouncing as it kept turning making so much noise. Tyre smoke was filling the air and it was not a nice smell, it stunk and was starting to annoy me. Never shy of a challenge I wondered if I could stop the rear wheel turning with just my leg muscles, after all my hands were still firmly attached to the handrail. I cautiously put my foot against the back wheel and started to push against the tyre. The engine made even more of a straining sound like it was screaming for mercy, which just encouraged me to push even harder with my foot. I wanted to stop it.

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