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Dark Magic: Black Moon 

Yami: Grey , Vanessa You really saved my ass 

Vanessa: Captain !!!

Suddenly a beam of light comes towards them revealing a damaged William , Patolli , and Langris.

Yami: You guys

Patolli: I want to return the favor , but.... since I no longer possess a grimoire... I'm afraid I won't be of much assistance in a fight

William: Yami... with your magic , we can still fight. This is .....

World Tree Magic: Blade of Misteltein

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World Tree Magic: Blade of Misteltein

William: I've put all my remaining magic into it.....! I'm leaving this in your hands

Yami: ...To be honest ... I still haven't forgiven you for all the elf business . But the both of us somehow got caught up in this mess. So , let's end this together.

Yami: " If we get back home alive , let's have a drink"

FastForward . . . 

As Lucifero began to punch Nacht , Yami intervene to protect Nacht who was gravely injured 

Lucifero: You bastard " He has dark magic "

Lucifero: I'll make sure to deal with you ... Later

Due to the powerful punch Yami was punched back and Asta tired to cut Lucifero but he followed it with a second punch with his left hand . But he was about to get punch then Zora and Secre gets infront of asta to defend him.

Lucifero instead punch Zora who coated his body with magic combining it with Secre's Magic

Zora: Reverse Counter Trap Magic  x

Secre: Mana Method; Sealing Magic

They are able to block the upcoming attack but suddenly Lucifero summoned a wormhole pulling Secre inside of it .

Zora/Asta:Nero !!!

Author Note: Sorry for the quick prologue , the ending of the prologue is not canon to the main story but just fanmade.

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