Izuku shakingly got himself up, he used Iida to support himself, he looked at the crowd and started walking towards them

Izuku: P-Please… I just-

???: what? Want to kill us all? We all know that All For One and Shigaraki are after you!

???: Yeah! Get him out of here!

Before Izuku could respond the crowd burst with hatred, everyone yelling at Izuku to leave, some even telling him to kill himself. Suddenly a blur of pink and black started floating in the air.

Izuku could barely see, but he knew it was Ochako

Ochako: QUIET!

She yelled at the crowd from the depth of her stomach, while also using a megaphone

The crowd for some reason finally calmed down and stared at  the young girl as she spoke

Ochako: Dek- Izuku Midoriya is just trying to rest! And rebuild his strength!

She shouted frustratingly at the crowd

???: Then why does he have to be here? The villains will just come and kill us all for him!

Izuku looked down, unable to give an argument

Ochako: Izuku has a special power! With that comes a heavy burden! Please we just want to-

The same civilian interrupted her and said

???: What? You want us to be like that too? All dirty and beat up? Your job as heroes is-

Ochako somehow grew even more frustrated and yelled

Ochako: No! Only the heroes will be covered in dirt! We'll be the only ones getting hurt! That's what we're all doing now! But look at him! Look at Izuku Midoriya!

The crowd directed their gaze to Izuku and finally noticed how injured he was. It wasn't just scars and bruises, but he had long-lasting injuries, like his eye and some of his fingers being gone.

Ochako: Izuku was given a heavy burden! We're all trying to keep things together!

Ochako began to tear up but kept fighting to convince the crowd

Ochako: we're all terrified of what's going to happen, But izuku is the key! He's been fighting harder than anyone! Three months! For three months he's been away from the only family he's known! The only home he's ever known!

The crowd began to murmur things about Izuku

???: Wait, didn't he win the sports festival?

???: He's also the kid who got taken at Kamino ward

???: he got called a mass murderer a few months back too right?

Ochako: please! I promise we will do everything in our power to keep you safe! But we need a break too!

Ochako didn't realize she was crying and screaming, but she didn't care. It hurt her to see someone so hurt being treated like this, especially someone who she loved.

Ochako: He's just a kid! What kind of kid looks like that? What kind of kid puts himself through absolute Hell for people he doesn't even know?

???: He's not even a pro hero?

???: that poor boy is missing an eye

Ochako: Please, I'm begging you! LET HIM COME HOME! THE ONLY HOME HE'S KNOWN IN YEARS!

The crowd remained silent, the only noise being heard was the patterning of the rain and Ochako's sniffles. Suddenly an old man emerged from the crowd and began to speak

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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