PMS - HE - Part 4

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Note: These are MY headcanons, meaning MY personal views on what these characters like/do. Hate will not be tolerated.

This chapter's pasta isssss...............................................

Twitchy boy magee (absolutely no hate intended, I love him so much <3 )!!

LGBTQ+ hcs:

- Bi or pan, no doubt 👍

- He's like a major supporter of trans/nb/gf/gn/etc. people <3

-In my au (/my little world), he has a boyfriend (who is my oc and you have not met yet) who has a secret :3


-Has a demi-girl flag in support of Scribe (my oc), who is basically his mother

General hcs:

-Loves braiding the girl pastas' hair

-man-child who is big brother and also mom at the same time

-Would kill for "mom"

- Does kill for "mom"

-He painted a rainbow on his fan once

-Wears beaded 'friendship' bracelets

-He has a matching bracelets with Tim, Brian, and Scribe that have the four apocalypse thingies on them... his is "plague", Scribe's is "famine", Tim's is "war", and Brian's is "death"


So, those are my headcanons for Toby... like before, hopefully I'll be adding more, or even writing some for a new genre of headcanons... (wink wink) Sorry this is kinda unmotivated, my power went out while I was watching My Little Pony >:'(

 I usually post a tidge late but that's due to personal scheduling, so sorry. Love you guys so much!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

Next character will be...

To be continued

Stay Swag my dudes <3


(4/30 complete, [unknown] words.)

(My word counter is being stupid and saying there's only 12 when there's clearly more so-)

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