Existing - Proxy!Reader

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A/N: This isn't really an "x" (as in ship) reader, it's more like you're just in the gang/group. The prompt is that you didn't wanna be a creepypasta, but after getting forced into it you kind of just vibed. Enjoy! (NOTE: VERY IMPORTANT!!! The unnamed girl and Consumer are my ocs, please do not use them without my consent!)

"Wow, it's sooooo comfortable talking to a wall." You mumbled to yourself. How long had it been? Long enough for your usual cheery disposition to fade into a monotone, straight face. Talking to inanimate objects and yourself was a vice now, and any time you around them, you managed to keep cool by making up things in your head to fill your time. 

Tonight would be your first time eating with them. Well, some of them, anyways. The "Big Names", or the main group, apparently. Slender, of course, would be there to watch your behavior and make sure none of your thoughts went into trying to escape. His mind reading didn't bother you much, he already knew how weird you were. It mainly gave you a bit of discomfort that he could literally at any time just pop into your mind to see what you were thinking, most likely something you wouldn't want to share. Hey, being in a mansion of murderers kinda messed up your critical thinking, as it would anyone. And there was one REALLY weird girl who'd just come in for an hour at a time and just sit and watch you. What was her name? Ah whatever.

You stood up, one of them should be coming soon. As if on cue, the door opened and one of your fellow proxies, Hoodie, stood in the doorway. You wordlessly followed him out, blinking a bit in the brightness. You noticed two things right off the bat. One, that random girl joined you and Hoodie in walking to the dining room, and two, the other proxies weren't there. Were you gonna ask where they were? Heck no! Number one rule of being a proxy: don't speak unless spoken to. You wouldn't think someone like Toby would follow that rule, but if you payed close attention, in a conversation he ALWAYS waits for the other person to talk first.

Rounding a corner, you went though some big doors, and entered a dining room. Almost immediately you were bombarded with noises and smells. Not to mention faces. You recognized some from previous briefings and people passing by your "room". You blinked a few times again, adjusting to the new brightness. Following Hoodie to the extremely long table, you noticed some of the others staring at you, but you still refused to make eye contact with anyone. Your so called "boss" wasn't there yet, so the dining hall was bustling with pastas, some talking, some standing up, some sitting, some even arguing with each other.

Hoodie gestured to a chair and you sat, him sitting down next to you. The random girl who'd been walking with both of you went to near the chair at the head of the table and placed herself near the wall, pulling a book and pen out of a satchel you hadn't realized she was holding and began to write furiously. Masky walked in, taking the chair on the other side of you. Kate and Toby followed shortly after, sitting across from you and the other two proxies. You (being the proxies) were seated near the head of the table, assumedly where Slenderman sat. Pastas who were standing now headed to their seats, and you looked about. You weren't surprised when you saw Jeff The Killer staring at you. He seemed ticked off for some reason. Probably your existence. Your eyes moved on, noticing BEN Drowned, Consumer (who you were a bit surprised was even allowed at the table), Nina The Killer, Bloody Painter, and a few you didn't know. There was a gray skinned man with pure white eyes sitting next to a well dressed little girl. Her dress was yellow, and she had a matching sun hat. Her eyes were also pure white. 'Maybe a connection?' You thought to yourself. (OML I SWEAR if I don't keep going the whole one-shot is gonna be about dinner-)

Suddenly all noise and clamoring stopped, everyone looking towards the big oak doors, where the seven foot, six inches, pale, faceless entity stood, having just entered. You, along with the others, nodded at him in respect, though you could sense a certain few (*cough cough* Jeff *cough cough*) didn't want to. Once he sat done, a simple word flickered through your mind, courtesy of the pre-mentioned entity.


You assumed everyone else was told this too, for they did begin, some using dining utensils and others just eating barehanded.




No amount of dinnertimes with the neighbors' sons would have ever prepared you for this. You'd think Slender would want everyone at least kind of clean, but the creature just watched as the pastas tore through their food. You soon learned why they were so hasty. A few of the less civilized pastas had finished their own meal and begun to snatch things off of the others' plates. The only plates saved from the hunger of the snatchers were the proxies, seeing as how they were Slender's most prized (and yet mistreated) pets. 

The main amount of food stealing was done by Consumer, who, true to her name, ate everything. You now understood why Masky and Hoodie had to go buy new dishes so often, Consumer was literally grabbing plates and biting into them. The sight alone was enough to make any normal person cringe, but the audible choking down of the food could easily gag anyone into retching. You yourself tore your gaze away from the sight, looking back down at your own food, which you only eaten some of. Food was hard to come by, and no one cared if you "weren't hungry". You'd already forced yourself to down more than you could handle, however, so you'd deduced the solution of taking it back to your new room, which you'd be shown to after dinner. A step up from the cell, or so you'd heard. But a grotesque sound cleared the thoughts away, as Consumer came closer to where the proxies, where you sat.

You side eyed her cautiously, aware that she might take your food before you could escape with it. Suddenly, as though she'd read your mind, she dropped the food Sally had offered her back down onto the plate and turned to look at you. Her eyes, though covered by her peculiar haircut, bore deep into your soul. She shifted forward, stepping up to you. A staticky voice echoed in your mind.

"Take your place. Earn your rights."

Of course. This was a test, one you planned to pass. No one else seemed to be giving much thought to you two, but the proxies knew better. Their plates were off limits, even to the starving. You were aware of a hidden tension between the other four, and the stare of the eyeless creature sitting near you. You were even aware of the random girl, yet to be named, watching your every move. Slowly, carefully, as though she knew this was a test she was playing a part in, Consumer reached for your plate. That drew some of the other's attentions. Before they simply believed she'd been curious about the newcomer and went to take a look. Her stare never broke yours.

Before anyone could say a thing, her hand shot back towards her, and she made a weird sound. Borderline pain, but also new found respect. Her hand, which she now cradled, got the attention of everyone, except Slender and maybe the unnamed girl. It was torn clear down the middle, from near the wrist to the finger webbing between the ring finger and middle finger. Blood streamed from it, but Consumer ignored that. Her mouth opened and closed again, a simple but clear sign that the mute girl respected you. (< 1313 words my guy :3 )

You drew back your own hand, which brandished a bloody knife. You knew you'd done what He wanted. You knew you'd passed. With a nod from your boss, you took your plate, stood up, and followed the nameless girl out wordlessly. Maybe you could actually get used to this.

A/N: I felt like I needed this to be longer but at the same time it just.... didn't. I hoped you enjoyed it either way though, it's been around three months since I started working on it :') Be sure to reread the rules and intro, as I adjusted and edited some things. Feel free to request, I actually greatly encourage it (seriously I'm super out of ideas help). To all my friends on Discord, thanks for coming over here and checking this out :> (1,420 words)

(P.S. Some things are unedited, I think I found all the errors but if I haven't I'm really sorry ;-;) (I went back through, I think I fixed them al?? I don't knowwww ;-;)

(P.P.S. I'm sure you guys know already but Wendy [the sun hat girl in yellow w/ white eyes] and Wendell [the grey dude w/ white eyes] are ijustwannahavefunn's ocs/characters. I tried to get in touch with her about using them but to no avail... all credit for the ocs goes to her!!)

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