008. brother louis and clown cars

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"HI GUYS ITS MIKEY!" the girl yells out as her and sharky sat in the footasylum studio.

"and it's sharky."

"yes we are back with a new series called 5 questions." sharky introduces.

"a series where we answer the hottest, the meanest, and the funniest questions searched about us." the blonde clapped her hands together.

"mikey version!" sharky stood behind the girl lifting her lips to make her smile.

the camera cuts once playing the intro.

"so we will hear a question, and we have five seconds to decide to answer, and if we answer we have to discuss the question for five minutes whatever." the two explain.

the next clip began.

"what color is mikey howard's hair?" the question was read behind the camera.

"why don't you check." sharky holds his hand out presenting the girl with the stupid question.

"yeah i don't know why that is the first question but uh my hair is blonde." she laughed.

"but it's naturally brown, i dyed it when i turned 18 and decided i wanna do something new." mikey smirks showing her healthy hair off.

"i like her natural hair more." sharky stated making her roll her eyes.

"yeah, i walked into the house with all the beta squad in it and the only people who actually said i looked nice were, i think kenny and george." she recalls thinking hard.

"sharky hadn't talked to me for the rest of the week, it was my hair so.." she side-eyed him.

"i needed to get used to it, the gal walks in and i thought we had a thief." sharky giggles making her laugh lightly.

"but i think it's nice now." his hand flicks the curled ends of her hair.

"and yeah i don't think we can even talk about that for five minutes."

sharky was then asked another stupid question, something about how many countries he's lived in.

"did mikey howard have a twin?" again it was read out loud.

"so this is when they start getting heated." she giggles sighting up.

sharky looking at the girl with a small sigh.

"yes i have a twin brother, his name is louis, and uh he died like i think when he was.." she begins to look up while wondering.

"21." sharky added for her.

"yeah so it's been six years, he got hit by a drunk driver and passed on the way to the hospital," she informed ruffling her shirt.

"but that's it, so yes i do have a brother." mikey smiled.

"how did you handle his death." another question was asked behind the camera to take up the five minutes.

"i didn't," she told truthfully.

"he was my brother and we were closer than ever, so obviously a piece of me did die with him." the girl nods her head.

sharky looking at her with his chin in his hands and a faint smile on his face.

his eyes gleamed.

"but i had my other brothers." mikey giggles.

"that's bare corny." sharky pulls on her arm at least happy she was laughing instead of sitting there sad.

"we love lou more than mikey, hand on heart." the boy looked at them with all seriousness.

"fact, he's actually the seventh member of the beta squad." sharky told.

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