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After reading loliticsandtea's story,Tale Of Me,I have decided to respond to the story.

All my life I have been jugded as a freak.An emo.A follower.Even a dumass.

And it was all because of the fact that people will judge.People say all I ever think about is sex and boys.Well I am here to say that I think of other things such as family and friends.They say I'm a loner because my parents are divorced and I like to be by myself.When the truth is that my parents are divorced for highly good resons and the people who judge me that way have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, what kind of hell it is not to have anyone to save you from a cruel and violent world.What it is like to grow up with know one your age and no sisters.To move from place to place to place,to look for a father.To look for a second human being to love you.It is fucking hard.And god I'm sorry for saying this but, those people are Dicks.Because yes I like being alone,but it's not because I'm emo (and I'm not,I'm just tired of arguing)it's because I'm used to being left alone.And I get upset at myself because I hide my sadness from the people who really care.I smile when I really want to cry and I listen to emo pop and alternative music because i can relate to the sadness the singers sing about.And I laugh even when things aren't funny because I want to cry but i'm just to ashamed to do it in front of people that care about me.And I like boys yah,so what!?I am a young lady I deserves to like who I like!I don't think about them constantly and i do think about sex to often just when I find a sentence funny or appealing.

So I surround with friends or people that I think I would like to try to open up to.But the truth I will never open up the them.The truth is that I would rather be alone than be surrounded by people who hate me or will judge me by the way I look or the people who hang around me.I do love my friends...I...I just want to tell my friends that I will never fully open up.Sometimes I wish that certain people would go away forever and that my REALLY GOOD FRIENDS like,Catalina,Kahleah,Maddison,Gabriel,Luna,Cecar,Aaron,Jasmi-ne,Zacary,and Jake would stay.

So please if you are going to judge a person,please learn about them or don't even judge them.Try to become their friend!Eho knows you might even become BEST FRIENDS!Today I live with a loving family and my mother did find a loving husband.And as for my friends...Well I still haven't opened up completely just about 30% of me is opening up.But that is an improvement.So I love you all good bye for now and i would like to start a little awareness please put a red line on your hand and write,"Stop cutting!"So that we can let people know that cutting doesn't help you solve your problems and that you should alway go to someone for help!Make sure to tell your friends!Help stop cutting!Bye!

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