Just the beginning

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Dreams. A life without dreaming, what would that be? I don't know.
Today is Final Selection. 7 days of surviving to be in the demon slayer corp. I'm not nervous. I've been training for the last 3 years. They let us in and the timer for 7 days goes.
It's night time, I have to be on guard. They gave me a nice blue sword. I didn't have one of my own yet.
A fast claw swipes my face and scratches my cheek making my reflexes jump back. It's a demon, it looks like a teenager. Close around my age. He looks like he's been starved, no meat on his bones. He's bald but with nails sharper than my blade. We're standing in front of each other, eye to eye.
"A girl. You would feel so nice going down my throat. I bet you would taste so good." He sounds like a child, he cannot be a teenager demon. "That blood flowing down your cheek looks so tasty, mind letting me lick it?" He jumps at me with his nails ready to scratch but I put my blade up at the perfect time slicing two of his nails off, the ring finger and the pinky on his left hand.
"Fast aren't we?" He says jumping again. I swerve my feet ready to take my form.
"Blood Breathing, second form," I say putting my sword near where his heart is located and puncture that area. After that he falls to the ground.
"What is this? I can't move. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?" He screams in pain. I don't make a sound, but I slice his head off. And then I walk away. It's insane how demons are, we're they like that before they were demons? He sounded like a real perv. I just don't have the patience for this.
I climb up a tree, my pants are black skin tight while my kimono is a mix of blue and red. With dragon designs. My father gave it to me, he said it was to keep me protected. My shoes are just regular sandals. My hair is up in a bun, but I want to cut it off. I grab a rice ball and start eating it. Gotta stay alert though.
I see a girl who looked a couple years younger than me, running and screaming in fear. As i'm looking from this tree, I see a huge demon just chasing her. That's not my problem. But what if I was in that situation? No one wanting to save me? Fine.
I jump in front of the demon scaring him. But he was fast, he swung his huge hand and slapped me into a tree.
"Shit, that hurt." I grab my neck but I get up fast. I jump on his hand which tried to slap me again and try to cut his neck, but it just shrunk. Which caught me by surprise. It grew bigger as I was falling away. I landed on me feet. This is gonna be a while.
I try to repeat the same motion. But he did the same thing.
"Try cutting my head. Not working right? You cannot. It's impossible. Let me eat you." He says, his voice sounds distorted and ugly. I try swing again but his big hand grabs me and throws me to a tree. "it's so fun playing with my food." I feel fuzzy. I can't breath. I feel so weak all of a sudden. What happened? I can't get up. Am I about to die? All because I wanted to save someone? And die to something so weak. I'm just so, tired. I feel myself fading. I try to get up but i'm weak in the knees and fall back down. I see the huge demon, he has skinny legs but a fat body. Huge arms and hands. Maybe it's time to die, maybe.
I close my eyes and hear the demons shrieking in pain. I look over and see a boy. He has blue hair, he looks a bit older than me. His movements are fast. And he slices the demons head right off. I take a glimpse at the floor. The blood coming from
my cheek has stopped. But it smells funny. Almost as if it's a bad thing. That's not the smell of blood. That's poison. That can explain why i'm so weak. That demon took a toll on me.
I feel hands wrap around my body. I was put on someone's shoulder. I don't know who because I can barely see. But it's probably the boy. Then I just fall asleep.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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