Brandon began to walk up the staircase, more than willing to participate in a chase. "Brandon.. please." Jane begged as she begun to walk faster. She wasn't fast enough, she never was. Jane was immediately shoved to the ground by a harsh push, Jane winced as her bruised knees hit the hardwood floor. Brandon grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her head back, "I said, who the fuck do you think you're walking away from..?" He whispered, Jane gave no reply as she squeezed her eyes shut. This action only earned a harsh slap from Brandon, he then grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "Aghh!" Jane cried before the drunk spoke again, "answer me." He grumbled, a look of anger crossed over Jane's face as she spoke, "I'm walking away from a limp dick bastard!!" Jane stuttered out as she regained her composure, spitting in his face and kicking him as hard as she could in the crotch to escape his grasp. She ran into her room, jamming the door shut with her rickety dresser.

        Jane stumbled to her bed to grab her phone. She heard Brandons loud, fuming stomps running towards the door, Jane frantically looked around the room, her eyes falling on the window. She was slamming her entire body as hard as she could against her window, but it just wouldn't open, no matter how hard she tried. The trembling girl dialed 911, desperate for help. "911 what's your emergency?" The Operator spoke with a yawn, "I.. I nee-_ someone to come to my hou__—.. right away! P-please...—e" The phone cut out, "Ma'am your cutting out, could you repeat that?" The operator asked, sounding very uninterested. "Y-y—-...Mm!" The internet always found the perfect times to cut out, Jane thought. "Ma'am this is an emergency correct?" The woman spoke, annoyance lingering in her tone. "Ma'am it is extremely rude and selfish to prank dial 911, not to mention illegal, your lucky I don't report this number. Do not do this again." The woman on the end of the line spoke before hanging up.

  "No! No no no" Jane's eyes swelled with tears as her shaky hands quickly called her girlfriends phone, "please, please pick up Ocean." the frightened girl whispered, tears now streaming down her cheeks, flinching at every loud bang that came from behind her door. She quickly found Oceans number and called it. Ring.. Ring.. Ring..Ring.. Rin-. "Hey Janey what's up? I just finished the homework so I can give you the answers if you-" Jane cut Ocean off, "O-Ocean please come pick me up, Brandon is d-drunk.." Jane stuttered as she spoke but Ocean knew, god she knew. "Jane, baby. I'm on my way but you need to get out of that house right now, run as far as you can, I'll find you." Ocean said in a panicky tone, Jane could hear her girlfriend shuffling around for her car keys. Ocean didn't even put her shoes on, she grabbed her keys and sprinted into the storm to her car.

"Ocean I-I can't! The windows jammed.. he's blocking the d-door!" Jane could hardly speak, you could hear so much terror in her voice. "Ocean I don't want him to do.. it again" Jane sobbed, she was desperately banging against the window, Ocean knew he was a dick, however, she didn't know that he had ever gotten physical. Oh but it all made sense, the bruises, the flinching, the cuts.

When Ocean got into the car she stepped on the gas, not caring that she was speeding, "I love you Oce-Ocean! Wait..Stop! Get away from me! Please I didn't mean it I-" Brandon ripped the door off of its hinges and tipped the dresser over, his foggy eyes burning into Jane's soul as he sped walked towards her, ignoring her pleads and gave her a harsh slap, cutting off her own words with a yelp. The sound echoed through the phone, straight into Oceans ears.

     "Jane!!" Ocean yelled, tears swelling in her eyes. The phone was slapped out of Jane's hand onto the bed. "You're such a disrespectful, spoiled little shit!" Brandon screamed in Jane's face, pulling at her hair harshly. The frightened girl didn't speak, she just sobbed, "look at me when I talk to you." Brandon whispered in a tone that gave the girl goosebumps, the drunk was prepared to beat Jane again, just until he heard the muffled pleads coming from Janes phone.
"Please! Oh God please don't hurt her! Please!" Ocean sobbed into the phone. Brandon pushed Jane into the wall with force, the girls head slammed against the wall causing her to become hazy and light headed as her body slid down to the floor.

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