No break

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"Seriously I just bought this." Ashley sighed in disappointment.

"You have plenty of money just get a new one." You chuckled.

"Get the ladder." Leon bent down for one of you to get on his back.

"Not me." You replied.

"Me? Um ok." Ashley was questionable.

She stood on Leon's back climbing up the ladder. A few moments later the ladder came fully down.

"Up we go." Leon motioned for you to go first.

"Gentlemen first." You motioned for him to go.

"Lady's first." He motioned for you.

"Will one of you just get up here?" Ashley called out.

"Yes Leon will be up in just a second." You smiled slightly.

"No I won't." Leon replied.

"He's trying to be a perv." You said.

"Just for that I'll go first." He began to climb up.

"What do we do there's no way out?" Ashley asked.

You climbed up the ladder seeing that you guys are in an attic. Rats roamed around making you sigh. Leon stood on the window and jumped out. Rain was now pouring.

"No way." Ashley gasped.

"It's ok, I've got you." Leon tried to soothe.

Ashley sat on the windowsill looking down. You could tell she wasn't going to push herself off soon. So you pushed her and she screamed. Leon let her down and stood waiting for you.

"Th-thanks." Ashley mumbled.

"Your turn." He called up.

You took a deep breath and jumped. Leon caught you and you could tell that he held you a little longer than Ashley. Once he put you down his radio began beeping. Ashley and you climbed down the ladder waiting for him. When Leon was down he jumped down and rolled.

"Show off." You scoffed.

"It was quicker." Leon smirked.

"Where are we going?" Ashley asked.

"Extraction point." Leon replied.

"Very specific." You sarcastically said.

"Stick close." Leon crouched down.

A villager was roaming in front of the church. Leon got bold and killed him stealthily. But another villager saw and alerted the others.

"They're coming. Get behind me!" Leon aimed his gun.

"Oh God! What is wrong with these people!?" Ashley panicked.

Leon was than ambushed by many villagers. Ashley and you were also getting surrounded by a different group. She grabbed onto you for dear life. You pulled out the gun Leon let you keep but considering your bad aim it wouldn't protect you both for long. Suddenly one charged at you and you were now occupied trying to get the villager off. Ashley began screaming and you realized she was no longer attached to you.

"Ashley!" Leon shot at the villager taking her away.

"Watch out!" Ashley called out as she hit the ground.

An axe barely missed your head. Your heart was beating fast from the near death experience. Ashley on the other hand was sitting on the ground holding her leg in pain. Leon ran over to her.

"You all right?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She nodded as he helped her stand.

It seemed like she only had a cut on her leg. You continued to fight villagers off with your knife instead of the gun.

"Look away!" Leon yelled as he threw a flash grenade.

You looked away as the ringing rung in your ears. Leon ran over to you with Ashley close behind. He pushed you behind his back making sure you weren't fighting anymore. You questioned why he did that though you'll probably never know the real reason. Only a few villagers left and Leon killed them pretty quickly.

"Finally we can leave the church behind." You said as you walked towards the merchant.

"I'm glad I'm finally out." Ashley smiled.

"The weather is supposed to be getting worse. I hope we're out of here before than." Leon commented.

"The wind is getting bad." You replied as the branches on trees blew wildly.

"I have something I think you'll like." The merchant said.

"Y/n, give me your stuff." Leon held his hand out.

You gave him the knife and gun he loaned you. Ashley stood close behind you as the merchant can look suspicious for the first time.

"Why do you seem so nervous around Leon? Wasn't he your bodyguard before all of this?" You asked her.

"He was for a very short amount of time. Plus I barely ever saw him so I barely know him." She explained.

"I was busy doing other things." Leon said.

"So you weren't even watching her?" You questioned.

"I was doing that, just had other things to do also." He gave the weapons back to you.

"Come back anytime." Merchant rubbed his hands together.

You all made your way into the small church. Looks the exact same as earlier. Creepy.

"Hey can we take a break?" Ashley asked.

"Sorry, we need to keep moving." Leon replied.

"Got it..." She sighed.

"Hunnigan was right about the weather." Leon put his arm in front of his face.

The wind was blowing like crazy. You watched as Ashley's hair was blowing in every direction. All three of you stood in front of the rubble outside of the small church. Villagers rumbled in the background. But one spotted you three immediately.

"Get behind me!" Leon ordered.

The villager ran at you guys. Got a bullet to the head. He didn't fall down easily though because then his head became one of those other types that twist and turn. Leon had to shoot multiple times for him to fall. This attracted plenty of villagers. People ran and jumped through a window one at a time. Leon didn't falter, he stood shooting one after another.

"Twisty son of a bitch." He mumbled.

More turned into one of those things. It was interesting, how could they become one? What even was it?

"Next?" Leon smirked.

He kicked one in the head killing it immediately. Whatever training he went through definitely prepared him for this situation. But you do miss the Leon from Raccoon city. Finally none filed through the window. You all went through the window and inspected the village. Nothing you really missed so you climbed over the debris and continued on the path to the extraction point.


1032 words

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